Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Star Chamber Comes to Texas

Oh, Orwell, where art thou? - Roger L Simon/PJMedia

Scratch that — Orwell was far too subtle a writer to populate Animal Farm with nincompoops on the level of Lehmberg, the “special prosecutor” operating a rinky-dink Star Chamber at her request or even the know-nothing hypocrites in a local watchdog group defending her with that equally Orwellian name “Texans for Public Justice.” (Doesn’t that just sound like it’s from the wrong side of High Noon?)

But wait. Nothing’s ever as bad as it seems — i.e., we’re in the last scene of Dr. Strangelove and Slim Pickens has just climbed atop the bomb.

Before You Pass Judgment On Rick Perry… - HotAir

...And if anyone wants to follow up, just ask them if they have seen the video. Is THAT the kind of person you want heading up your “Public Integrity Unit”? Surely, you must be joking.