Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Costco’s Removal Of Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘America’ Proves To Be A Massive Backfire As It Soars to the Top

Talk about karma. Costco, a discount chain co-founded by a major Democratic donor, faced the wrath of the almighty dollar after stripping its shelves of Dinesh D’Souza’s bestselling book America: Imagine The World Without Her. - IJ Review

According to Newsbusters, after Costco announced that it was dropping D’Souza’s work, the book soared to #1 on Book reviewers on the web site made clear their opinion of the retail giant....

Caving to consumer ire, Costco has announced that it will be restocking the book immediately, according to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. Liberal intolerance – meet ticked off Americans.

‘We Have Made the Decision to Reorder the Book’: Costco Reverses Decision to Remove ‘America’ Book From Stores - The Blaze

'Clearly Political': D’Souza Reacts After Book Is Pulled Off Costco Shelves - FOX

Now, the Costco CFO said the book will return to shelves and denied that the books were pulled for political reasons, instead blaming lackluster book sales. “America,” however, is number one on Amazon and on track to become a bestseller.

..."This is clearly a political decision that they made. I think it's because of their alliance with the Obama administration and now they're feeling the heat so they're trying to figure out how to wriggle out of it," he said.

Hannity then laid out examples of Costco getting high praise from President Obama, along with the company's former CEO donating $100,000 to the Obama campaign in 2012. Costco employee donations to the Obama campaign totaled more than $200,000 for 2008 and 2012 combined.

D'Souza says those political leanings shouldn't result in Costco changing how it does business, arguing their customers are from all over the political spectrum.

"The left in this country has so much intolerance that they not only try to go after me through the courts, but they also figure out: let's try to ruin this guy's livelihood, let's try to make sure people don't see his film, let's try to make sure they don't buy his books. And the left is willing to wage that kind of a scorched-earth campaign through a company like Costco," he said.