Tuesday, June 10, 2014

You don't think "filmmakers" like Moore and his producers want to profit off of tragedies like Newtown? Think again.

In Ugly Divorce, Michael Moore's Wife Reveals He Was Offered Funding for Another Anti-Gun Film After Newtown - Newsbusters

...More of interest to NewsBusters readers is that Moore’s wife, Kathleen Glynn, noted that Moore was offered funding for another anti-gun movie about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting just three days after the horror unfolded:
Glynn noted that--in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre--Moore had been offered financing for an anti-gun film. In an e-mail sent three days after the December 2012 shooting, producer Michael Donovan wrote that he was “personally prepared to finance a film” by Moore about the Newtown, Connecticut killings.