Sunday, February 16, 2014

"I didn’t used to play any music in the car for the first years of my older son’s life."

The reason I was reading Mayim Bialik's blog is that I enjoyed her performance on "The Bill Maher Show" this week. - Althouse

"I was that hippy who believed that my son’s interactions should be with voices and conversation only," ◼ writes Mayim Bialik on her blog. With additional children, she became less austere about protecting the precious little ears and minds, and she says pop music is great candy, but:
The issue is that pop music is/has become, in some cases, kind of racy. I am generally admittedly a socially conservative fuddy-duddy even though I am a complete bleeding heart liberal politically....

I don’t want my sons singing about magic in pants and smoking weed and booties up. Period. Right? The notion that those lyrics “go right over their heads” is actually not accurate and I don’t buy that. Words have meaning. I don’t know why Juicy J (the rapper in the Katy Perry song) wants to “put her in a coma” and I don’t want my 5- or 8-year-old asking me why either. Adult themes, especially sexual ones, don’t belong in my sons’ mouths. I’m pretty sure about that....