Wednesday, December 4, 2013

He got the applause he wanted. He got the love he needed. He got MSNBC talk personalities to speak admiringly of him. So by those standards, if by no other, the speech was a roaring success.

President leads the cheers for himself - John Podhoretz/NY Post

Finally, after two months of horror, President Obama heard cheering when he discussed ObamaCare.

OK, so the cheering came from members of his own staff, who were assembled in the White House briefing room to hear him speak Tuesday afternoon. But listen, the guy has had a hard time since Oct. 1; he can use all the cheering he can get.

The speech was promoted as part of an aggressive new effort to promote ObamaCare following the repairs (far from completed) made to the Web site. If that was the intent, it was a colossal failure.

The president said nothing — and I mean literally nothing — he hasn’t said before in defense of ObamaCare. He delivered the same tribute to its glories and wonders I’ve heard him give so many times now, I could’ve written it myself.

No, in truth, yesterday wasn’t about ObamaCare. It was about Obama. It was about bucking up the boss. It was about showing him some love.

Now that he’s had his little pep rally, President Obama would be well-advised to go under the radar again for a while. According to Gallup, the more facts people know about ObamaCare, the less likely they are to support it.

It would appear that it’s better for the president if people live in blissful ignorance rather than horrified awareness.