Thursday, September 19, 2013


A year ago California voters gave Sen. Dianne Feinstein another landslide victory even though she refused to debate her opponent, Elizabeth Emken, who for once was a decent GOP candidate. DiFi must believe she’s in the House of Lords. - John Seiler/HUMAN EVENTS

Now Baroness DiFi wants to define as a “journalist” only those in MainStream Media. New media would be considered peons with no First Amendment protections. Matt Drudge, the most famous and influential of the New Media Journalists, tweeted that she was a “Fascist.”

...If Baroness DiFi had her way, the government-MSM axis would be all you heard from. The truth never would get out.

But thanks to the New Media, the truth shall set you free.

‘Fascist’: Matt Drudge blasts Dianne Feinstein for trying to define who is and isn’t a ‘real reporter’ - Twitchy, Who Said What on Twitter

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D.-Calif., thinks a proposed media shield law should be applied only to “real reporters,” not basement-dwelling, pajama-clad bloggers with no professional credentials... Under the definition proposed by Feinstein, a student working for a tiny college newspaper would get protection, but Matt Drudge, the owner and operator of the most successful news site on the Internet, might not.

As far as we know, the distinction Feinstein is making isn’t mentioned in the First Amendment. But what do we know? We’re just bloggers.

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