Sunday, July 21, 2013

The full-time White House horror show

Everything about President Obama’s grand takeover of everyone’s aches and pains puts the pain in a new place. The only relief he can promise is that the pain is more tolerable today than it will be tomorrow. - Wesley Pruden/Washington Times

...There’s a sure cure for everyone’s blues, but it will require nothing less than a Damascus road epiphany at the White House. Only a robust economic recovery — just what Barack Obama promised five years ago — will cure what ails us. More of the same won’t do it, but more of the same is all this White House can offer. Excuses are all Mr. Obama and his men know, and that’s a full-time fright.

President Obama’s sad view of America - Jennifer Rubin/Washington Post

The president acknowledged partway through his remarks that the conversation about race he and his attorney general are urging is better done without politicians. Precisely. So why was he there? Anti-racial bias is at an all-time low, interracial marriage is rising and, as he pointed out, with each successive generation race becomes less of a big deal.