Thursday, February 28, 2013

‘Twas the night before sequestration…

“Nothing to report from here,” says a Senate aide. “Wish I had a good story to share.” - Byron York/Washington Examiner @ByronYork

The much-discussed slowdown in the rate of growth of federal spending called sequestration goes into effect when the clock turns to March 1, so I decided to ask a number of people on Capitol Hill what is actually going on in the last few hours before the super-controversial spending measure becomes a reality. Are people frantically trying to avoid what the administration claims will be devastating cuts? Are they negotiating? Are they yelling at each other? Hiding under their desks?

Answer: None of the above. In fact, nothing much is going on, because sequestration really is about to become a reality. And on the Hill, that means business as usual.

What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make Whose Idea The Sequester Was? - Smitty/The Other McCain