Sunday, August 26, 2012

#WarOnWomen: Steinem, NOW chapters slam DNC for ‘discrimination against mothers’ during upcoming DEMOCRAT'S Charlotte convention

Feminist activist Gloria Steinem and several chapters of the National Organization for Women (NOW) have condemned the Democratic National Committee for “discrimination against mothers with young children” during the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. - Caroline May/Daily Caller

Women are the key to a Democratic victory, and sometimes, children are the key to women,” Steinem said in a statement. “It’s both right and smart for the Democratic Convention to behave as if children exist.”

The NOW chapters of Southern California — including Hollywood, Long Beach-South Bay, Pacific Shore and Palm Spring — voiced concern this week that the Democratic National Convention will not offer automatic access for young children on the convention floor, and will not be providing childcare during the event.

According to mother and 2012 Democratic National Convention delegate Susie Shannon, the policy is disenfranchising women like her.

“Moms with young children six years of age and under who cannot be left at home, some of whom are breastfeeding, are relegated to second-class status within the Democratic Convention,” she explained in a statement, “unable to participate as a delegate due to antiquated policies and inadequate accommodations that were apparently in place before women’s suffrage.”

TWITTER: @ChiPatriotLady
No babies allowed at Democratic National Convention: feminists revolt |

Feminists are denouncing a rule at the upcoming Democratic National Convention that will bar children, including breastfeeding babies, from entering the event without being credentialed.

Critics say that officials for the event slated to begin Sept. 4 in Charlotte make it difficult for moms to credential their children, leaving delegate moms at a loss as to how to provide for their tots.

Top feminist icon Gloria Steinem said that by not even offering child care at the event the Democratic Party will alienate female voters, and that the party should acknowledge that, where there are women, there are occasionally babies too.