Monday, May 9, 2011

May 2011: President's Message

GOP candidates Herman Cain, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum took the stage in the first GOP 2012 Candidates Debate in Greenville, South Carolina. The event was co-sponsored by the South Carolina Republican Party and Fox News ◼ (Politico image)

The political season is bursting with new blood and energy as seen in the first vigorous debate. We were introduced to new faces, strong principles, and straight decisive answers!

We certainly heard powerful opinions on the current administration and the devastation it has subjected America to. As we launch even more candidates into the field, I feel confident that we are about to embrace this next election with several viable leaders to strongly support.

We must remember our true goal and that is a bold victory in 2012, not by bashing or tearing down our own Republicans who stand up to run but to get engaged, focus and use our excitement to target the win. The candidates themselves will unveil their leadership skills and knowledge, truth, honor and electability and the victor will be standing as our choice. America is relying upon us ~ let’s get ready to rumble!!!!!!!!

Watch the entire (recorded) debate on our website: It’s broken up into four YouTube videos for easy viewing - and stay tuned for more. We’ll be posting news and opinion pieces to help you stay up to date and in the know.

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