Sunday, April 24, 2016

Awesome Cruz rally in Terre Haute, #Indiana!

Once again, Senator Ted Cruz blew Donald Trump’s amateurish operation out of the water on Saturday, crushing the Donald in a near-total victory. At stake: who is sent to the convention as a delegate. Those elected to represent are in almost all cases only bound to vote for the primary or caucus winner on the first ballot. After that they can pretty much do what they please. So sending loyal supporters as delegates is an essential part of the nominating process. There were 94 delegates up for grabs on Saturday, and Cruz went for the jugular....

f you’ve kept count, then you know this means that Cruz loyalists filled a whopping 65 of the 94 spots available on Saturday. And that’s not knowing who, for example, Kentucky delegates may lean toward for their own second ballot choice. So he may have picked up even more than that.

In all, a humiliating defeat for team Trump, and yet more proof of the Cruz campaigns superior ability to operate the machinery of the party, follow and understand rules and procedures, and generally be an organized and functional enterprise. In the business world that’s called being a success....