Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sharia in Action: Raped at 16, Afghan Woman Forced to Marry Her Rapist

The CNN article reports:
To be raped by your cousin’s husband; be jailed for adultery as your attacker was married; to suffer the ignominy of global uproar about your jailing and assault, but be pardoned by presidential decree; and then to endure the shame and rejection from a conservative society that somehow held you to blame.

The solution in this society? Marry your attacker.
What society is that? CNN never says. It’s a Muslim country ruled by Shariah law. Under Islamic law, a rape victim can make right her sin and restore the family honor by marrying her rapist.

This young woman refused to marry her rapist and was sentenced to 2 years.

She appealed and was sentenced to 12 years.

Afghan jails are filled with women who refused to marry their rapists.

Islam empowers women, don’t you know?