Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Return of the Zombie Congress (and Senate)

Dozens of politicians were replaced with fresh faces yesterday, but the losers don’t have to vacate their offices for two months. We must be more vigilant than ever right now. - Jim DeMint/Daily Signal

While “Lame Duck” is the standard parlance in D.C., I prefer the more colorful term “Zombie Congress,” popularized in recent years by George Will and others. It more aptly conveys the peril of the situation. Zombie legislators are those unhappy senators and representatives who have been voted out of office, yet still stagger dutifully back to Washington for a month or so before Christmas break. ‘Tis the season when they are most dangerous.

Unlike their B-movie counterparts, these zombies don’t seek brains, though they could probably use some. With no electorate to appease, the newly politically “deceased” members have no incentive to restrain their baser urges to feast upon the hard-earned tax dollars of the living.