Wednesday, August 27, 2014

" 'Evil' seems a pretty accurate description for an organization that is not only intolerant toward gays, Christians, atheists, moderate Muslims, Jews, women, et al but also stones, beheads and enslaves them," writes Jonah Goldberg. So why the reluctance in using "evil" to describe Islamic State?

If 'evil' doesn't apply to Islamic State, what does? - Jonah Goldberg/LA Times

AFRAID TO SAY MUSLIM? Daily Mail reports on ‘Asians’ who sexually exploited 1400 girls in one town in England - The Right Scoop
Yeah, these men aren’t just Asian, they’re Muslim and the Daily Mail is afraid to say it. And what’s amazing is this case isn’t new. Just google it and you’ll find many sites talking about this Muslim pedophile gang from Rotherham.

So there’s your irony. Social Workers didn’t save these girls for fear of being racist and the Daily Mail doesn’t want to be racist either, so they use the code word ‘Asian’ for Muslim.
Muslims react with outrage at UK sex abuse report - AP via CNS
Members of Britain's Pakistani community reacted with outrage Wednesday amid reports that officials failed to act on sex abuse cases because of concerns about racism in the northern English town of Rotherham.

Report author Alexis Jay said between 1997 and 2013, some 1,400 children were sexually exploited in the town of 250,000, mostly by Pakistani men. Charities that deal with abused children have expressed shock not just at the number of victims but by the apparent reluctance of town authorities to address the fact that people of Pakistani heritage were involved for fear they would be labeled racists.
'Incubator for terrorism': UK leaders under pressure to take on jihadist problem - FOX