Thursday, March 20, 2014

The truth is that “illegal abortion is not synonymous with unsafe abortion,” as WHO’s new editorial concedes.

World Health Organization Admits Legalizing Abortion Doesn’t Make it Safer - Life News

An editorial in the latest Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO) considers the definition of “unsafe abortion” and distinguishes the safety of abortion from its legality. This is a reversal of a policy that has been in place since the early 1990s and a tremendous step in the right direction.

This is a pretty amazing admission, considering that some have tried to claim that abortion is safer than childbirth. It should also point out just how lopsided the “conversation” about abortion has been. Journalists and scholars have treated the World Health Organization as the source of objective information. It has never been anything of the kind.

Of course, all discussion of “safe” abortions is only considering the life and health of the mother, not the life and health of her baby. If we consider the baby, no abortion is ever safe.