Tuesday, February 11, 2014

“You’re not even going to clap for me for getting this monkey off of our backs?”

The End of Debt Limit Brinkmanship? - Roll Call

Boehner Goes for Clean Debt Limit - Bill Kristol/Weekly Standard

...The speaker has followed a long and winding (and at times confusing!) path to a reasonable outcome, one that lets Democrats own the debt increase, and lets conservatives have a clean shot at advancing key parts of their legislative agenda....


The vast majority of Republicans voted against the bill, while nearly 200 Democrats carried it across the finish line. 28 Republicans voted “yes.”

Speaker John Boehner, who usually does not vote, voted "yes," as did Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Whip Kevin McCarthy. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan voted "no."

Cantor blamed the debt ceiling increase on Democrats. "House Republicans need more responsible and willing partners in Washington so we can finally and boldly address our long term debt crisis," he said in a statement.

Ryan called the vote a "missed opportunity."

"We need to pay our bills today and make sure we can pay our bills tomorrow," Ryan said in a statement after the vote.

The House GOP's inability to force even a modest fight on the debt ceiling prompted an outcry from conservative groups, including several calls to replace the current House leadership.

Group calls for Boehner's head - Seth McLaughlin/Washington Times

The Senate Conservatives Fund says that it is time for House Speaker John Boehner to go and they will keep track of the GOP lawmakers that support their effort to oust him from his leadership post.

The group, which is targeting several incumbent Republicans in primary races this year, said Mr. Boehner, Ohio Republican, has sold out small government principles on too many occasions and the last straw came this week when House GOP leaders signaled they were going to support a bill to increase the nation’s borrowing limit without attaching any strings to reduce spending.

CBO Director Warns 'Large and Growing Federal Debt' Could Produce 'Fiscal Crisis' - CNS News

Boehner and Cantor Declare No Debt Ceiling Increase Without Obamacare Delay and Keystone Approval - Red State

Oh . . . what? What’s that you say? Oh. Sorry.

That was back last year.


How many times are they going to yank the football away from themselves before Republican voters kick them to the curb?


The caving was that bad.