Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Barack Obama, This Blood is On Your Head

I do not post this to appeal to purient interest. What follows is abject horror. It is the murder of Metropolitan “François Murad”, who was patron of Sumaan al-Amoudi Monastery - Larry Johnson/No Quarter

As the Holocaust unfolded in World War II, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the media knew about the horror and wrote little. Never again. Let the world know the nature of this monsters who slaughter in the name of Allah. No one can say, “I did not know.”

This is unholy. And Barack Obama, with the backing of Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Lindsey Graham is pushing to arm “the rebels.” THESE ARE THE REBELS.

Syrian rebels beheads bishop François Murad - LIVE LEAK

ASIA/SYRIA – A Catholic priest killed. Bishop Hindo: he offered his martyrdom for peace - Fides News Agency (The Vatican)