Friday, December 7, 2012

Today is the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

For America

Sarah Palin: Americans will never forget those who died on this day of “infamy” at Pearl Harbor 71 years ago, and we will never forget those who served in World War II and those who continue to serve in war zones today. We are thinking of our vets on this day, and we are thankful for them every day. Their sacrifices for America won’t be taken for granted.

Greater Birmingham Republican Women: ‎71 years ago today, a date which will live in infamy. Please take a moment today to remember the attack on Pearl Harbor and the thousands of Americans that served in World War II.

Acadiana Republican Women: December 7: Day Of Infamy: The History Of Pearl Harbor! Remember all who were lost at Pearl Harbor today in your prayers.

The Kitchen Cabinet: ‎71 Years ago today, the magnificent USS Arizona met her fate, along with seven other battleships, hundreds of airplanes, and 2,400 navy, marine, army, and civilian personnel.

"They were a “can-do” generation who did not take “no” for an answer. They did not put off until tomorrow what needed to be done today. We should remember their resolve, honor their commitment, and seek to emulate their example. They truly were the greatest generation."

Never forget...