Monday, October 1, 2012

Who's against Prop. 32? The state's teachers union has given the opposition nearly $18 million of its members' dues. The largest union for state workers has given nearly $6 million. State, county and city employee unions have given nearly $3 million more. And other unions make up almost all the rest of the No on 32 funding.

The truth about Prop. 32 - Gloria Romero/Orange County Register

Please note that these millions are being spent not because rank-and-file members have chosen to fight the proposition; rather, these millions are being spent by the unions' executive boards in Sacramento, without ever having to win the consent of the members. The "leaders" decide – the workers pay.

All those millions are funding television and radio ads that say Prop. 32 "isn't what it seems" and that it isn't "balanced" because there are "special exemptions" for its supporters.

Prop. 32 is exactly what it says it is.

Here's what the measure does, according to the official secretary of state-prepared ballot statement:
◼ "Prohibits unions from using payroll-deducted funds for political purposes. Applies same use prohibition to payroll deductions, if any, by corporations or government contractors."
Workers can still contribute to political campaigns – but unions and employers can't automatically deduct money from paychecks for politics.

Opponents argue that it isn't "balanced" because unions automatically deduct more money from paychecks than do corporations. But what is unbalanced about allowing workers to decide how to spend their own money on political causes and candidates? All workers will still have a voice, but they will now be able to make their own choices on which politicians to give to.
◼ "Prohibits union and corporate contributions to candidates and their committees."
In plain language, Prop. 32 cuts the money link between special interests and lawmakers and forces politicians to raise money from individual citizens....

What they're (The Unions) really afraid of is what will happen when their own members and employees actually have the real power to spend their own money on the political causes and candidates in which they believe.
The California Republican Party and California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) recommend a YES vote on Prop. 32. VOTE Tuesday, November 6th.