Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rush: Obama's Jobs Speech Will Be Just Another Campaign Attack on GOP

" I haven't bothered you with them but I've got Obama sound bites from the Hoffa thing yesterday and he was on a roll, boy, he was out there ripping into Republicans left and right and how they're obstructionists and we're gonna find out who's in this for who, we're gonna find out what Republicans are willing to work with me on putting Americans back to work and all that. "

You know, Republicans will be lucky if Obama doesn't call them names during this speech. The whole purpose of this speech is for Obama to ream the Republicans as obstructionist. I haven't bothered you with them but I've got Obama sound bites from the Hoffa thing yesterday and he was on a roll, boy, he was out there ripping into Republicans left and right and how they're obstructionists and we're gonna find out who's in this for who, we're gonna find out what Republicans are willing to work with me on putting Americans back to work and all that.