Friday, January 7, 2011

Humboldt Republican Women Welcomes Kathrin Burleson

“Honor Flight”

Trinidad artist, Kathrin Burleson, recently accompanied local WWII veteran Charles Moon to Washington D. C. to visit the WWII Memorial.  The trip was made through Honor Flight, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to taking WWII veterans to Washington to see and reflect at the Memorial that was built in their honor in 2004.

There is no cost to the veteran, and no government support of the program.  It is funded by donations of individuals and organizations, the staff are all volunteers.  Kathrin was one of thirteen guardians who accompanied the twenty six veterans on the October flight.

Kathrin is a member of Republican Women's Club, Daughters of the American Revolution, Trinidad Civic Club, and was recently elected to the Board of Directors of Honor Flight Northern California.

The program will include a short talk and slide show of the recent trip.  Charles Moon will be with us to share his experiences and answer questions.  Please invite friends and family and join us!

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Thursday, January 20, 2011
11:30 PM Lunch - 12:00-1:00 General Meeting
Baywood Country Club
Buttermilk Lane, Arcata, CA map
Lunch & Speaker ~ $15 Beverage & Speaker ~ $4
Please RSVP to Margaret Stafford at 822-3255
Early lunch reservations appreciated and to be honored ~ Payable to HRWF