Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Benghazi Scandal

Three hours before the vice presidential debate here on October 11, Stephanie Cutter, a top spokesman and deputy campaign manager for Barack Obama, previewed Joe Biden’s explanation for the administration’s ever-changing narrative on the deadly 9/11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. In short: The intelligence made us do it. The reason administration officials repeatedly told the country a story that was untrue—in virtually all its particulars—is that they got bad information from the intelligence community. Or so they say. - Stephen F. Hayes/Weekly Standard

Hillary Clinton: Accomplice to Liars - Dr. Susan Berry/Breitbart

...There is something deviant in this Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State, a woman who continues to be so attracted to power that she is willing to lie for it and willing to serve as an accomplice to other liars. Yet liberal women hold her up as the standard to be imitated, the role model who supposedly broke through the “glass ceiling.” Is it inevitable for liberals to choose as a shining example someone without moral character, someone who would first cover for themselves and fellow liars rather than protect and defend what is right and true -- even if it means admitting one’s failure, even if it means admitting the failure of one’s husband, even if it means admitting the failure of the president of the United States?

What has transpired over the past few days regarding the heinous cover-up in Libya is sickening to me and, hopefully, sickening to many Americans. It is time to kick Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, this entire administration, and the media who adore them out the door and as far down the road as we can. To say that they corrupt what is good about America is by far an understatement...

Obama’s got drama now

...Will Hillary now retaliate and protect herself by leaking word that the White House did too know? Will her husband continue to tour the country trying to pull Obama’s bacon out of the fire (as he did at the convention) even as Obama points a finger at his wife? Will they all cut some sort of deal in which Hillary agrees to take the fall and Bill soldiers on … in exchange for, what? Have they already cut a deal? Is the White House going to try to hang its hat on the idea that Obama and Biden didn’t know, but maybe their staffs knew? Will that really fly? Aren’t they responsible for their staffs? Will the staffs fight back?...

Benghazi: Osama's Revenge on Obama - James Lewis/American Thinker

Talk about chickens coming home to roost. Talk about the Mother of All Fiascos. It's the revenge of Osama bin Laden from the bottom of the ocean, and the message is plain: al-Qaeda is very much alive, and America is a paper tiger.

What Did Hillary Tell Obama on 9/11? - Rick Richman/Commentary @jpundit

On Friday, a CNN reporter asked Hillary Clinton what she was doing as the attack occurred, and Clinton responded with a 400-word answer that avoided the question.... this was not the time to describe what it seems any secretary of state would have done: inform the White House and keep it informed, in roughly the same real time as the State Department itself received the information, about an attack that was obviously not a demonstration about a video.