

Rotherham: The perils of tolerating intolerance - Michael Barone/Washington Examiner @michaelbarone

Sickening. That’s the word that comes to mind when I contemplate the story from Britain of how local authorities in Rotherham failed to protect 1,400 young girls were raped, abused and consigned to prostitution by Pakistani and Kashmiri — Muslim — men. The reason: their goal was to promote “community cohesion” — multiculturalism — and so they systematically ignored abundant evidence of multiple vicious crimes. I won’t describe all the horrifying details: For the full horror, check out on the Telegraph website ◼ Allison Pearson’s account, and commentary by Conservative member of the European Parliament ◼ Daniel Hannan and Labour supporter (and son of Labour MP Glenda Jackson) ◼ Dan Hodges. At ◼ Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos has another excellent article.

The central problem faced by tolerant societies is how far to tolerate intolerance. Intolerance particularly in the form of criminal jihadism and criminal misogyny by Muslim immigrants and their offspring. Not all Muslims, of course, but an uncomfortably large percentage of them. Fans of multiculturalism and “community cohesion” desperately want to avoid facing the problem. They tend to see their own societies as bigoted and intolerant, when in fact the level of bigotry and intolerance in nations like the United States and the United Kingdom is very low indeed, enormously low when seen fairly in historic perspective. And they tend to believe that our societies have oppressed others — people of color, those from the Third World — and that they have the moral high ground. So you have the absurd spectacle of the supporters of feminism and gay rights looking with sympathy on those Muslims who believe it is right or at least acceptable to rape women and kill gays.

Rotherham exposes this foolishness. How far should a tolerant society tolerate intolerance?

Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now? - Allison Pearson/Telegraph [UK]

Men of Pakistani heritage treated white girls like toilet paper. They picked children up from schools and care homes and trafficked them across northern cities for other men to join in the fun. They doused a 15-year-old in petrol and threatened to set her alight should she dare to report them. They menaced entire families and made young girls watch as they raped other children....All but one of the perpetrators were Muslims of Pakistani heritage...

One 11-year-old known as Child H told police that she and another girl had been sexually assaulted by grown men. Nothing was done. When she was 12, Child H was found in the back of a taxi with a man who had indecent pictures of her on his phone. Despite the full co-operation of her father, who insisted his daughter was being abused, police failed to act. Four months later, Child H was found in a house alone with a group of Pakistani men. What did the police do? They arrested the child for being drunk and disorderly and ignored her abusers....

Rotherham child sex scandal: these children were victims of 'anti-racism' - Daniel Hannan/Telegraph [UK]

Do You Want to Know Why There’s No ISIS Strategy?

If you want to get some idea about why President Obama has not formulated a strategy for defeating ISIS, take a look at . . . Thursday. - Keith Koffler/White House Dossier

Yes, Thursday.

...The White House, where the president rolls into work mid-morning, where everything starts late, and where schedules are sort just suggestions, is a disorganized mess.

And that’s why there’s no ISIS policy, even though the administration claims to have been aware of the threat for a year.

Capitol Update Saturday, August 30, 2014

President's Message

We are very excited about the plans for our Fall Board of Directors Meeting & Conference October 24 to 26 at the Double Tree Hotel by Hilton in Bakersfield. Please note the correct phone number for the Double Tree Hotel is 661-323-7111. The one listed in the Call to Conference is incorrect. Conference Chair Shirley Mark and her committee have been working hard to make sure this is the most exciting and informative meeting of the year! The “Call to Conference” should be in your mail box. I just received mine today!

We have an action packed weekend planned to help you get energized and empowered to educate the voters in your communities and GOTV so we will have victory on November 4. We have a few exciting additions to add to our line up of presenters. We are very excited to announce that Congressman & Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will be speaking at our Saturday Banquet in Bakersfield on October 25th. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to hear his inspirational presentation! We are thrilled that Dolores Chavez-Harmes, CFRW Latino Engagement Chair and member of the NFRW Community Engagement Committee will share exciting information from the NFRW Community Engagement Committee. Gaylon Kastner will also invite Club Presidents to share some of their own membership success stories at the Saturday session. What helps one club helps us all!

Our luncheon speaker, Joseph Brocato, will be speaking about American Exceptionalism. We are so honored that he will be bringing some very special guests, two WWII Veterans that participated in two of the major battles, Leo Dumouchelle parachuted into Normandy on D-Day and Benedict Bellefeuille landed and fought on Iwo Jima. We are so fortunate they will be able to attend. “They are literally part of a dying breed the likes of which we are unlikely to see again in our lifetime.” Joseph Brocato We can learn so much from their sacrifices and patriotism. We are very pleased that Brad Maaske of “Real Talk” on local HMJ am 580 will be speaking to us about “Government in Property Rights & Real Estate” on Sunday morning. You also don’t want to miss a lively presentation on“How to Woo the Media” also on Sunday morning with Trish Lester. We have invited some informative candidates for Sunday and we will keep you up to date with additional speakers in the weekly Capitol Update.

We had some exciting news from NFRW pertaining to the NFRW Achievement Awards. Three bonus points will be awarded under Community Relations if a club “established a scholarship to benefit a needful Republican Women in your region”. Clubs who do not have their own scholarships could earn these points by donating to our CFRW scholarship or division/county federated scholarships.* This is especially important for smaller clubs that do not have funds for their own scholarship. *Please note that these 3 bonus points are totally separate from the points available for donations to the various NFRW scholarships.

Speaking about Student Scholarships, don’t forget the Scholarship Contest launched by Neel Kashkari to encourage California students to use their creativity and have the opportunity to participate in the political process. Go to for details.

Please keep all of our members in the Napa area in your thoughts and prayers. They are all OK but will have lots of cleaning up to do. When something like the Napa earthquake happens we understand how we are also a sisterhood. We care about each other!

God Bless You & God Bless America
Thank you for all you do,
Working Together To Make A Difference

CFRW Fall Board of Directors Meeting/Conference in Bakersfield, October 24-26, 2014
CFRW Winter Board of Directors Meeting/Conference in Modesto, January 30 & 31, 2015
CFRW Board of Directors Meeting/Student Advocacy in Sacramento, April 20 & 21, 2015
CFRW Biennial Convention, Irvine, October 16-18 , 2015


Early this morning the legislature ended their 2014 session with some last minute amendments and bills rushed through to Governor Brown before their deadline. Luckily one bill we were watching bit the dust, SB 53 (DeLeon, D) which would have required purchase permits for all ammunition. It also looks like SB 33 (Wolk, D) is all but dead, which would have removed the voter approval requirement for the creation of expensive Infrastructure Financing Districts. But that is where the good news stops. The Democrats pushed through job killing bills and tax increases that will be harmful for many Californians. Please start calling the Governor, email him, tweet him, because these bills must be stopped!

AB 1522 (Gonzales, D): The good news is that this bill was amended to less of a burden on California employers. The bad news is it is still an unnecessary mandate for employers that will drive even more businesses out of the state and employers will be forced to pass that burden onto consumers. AB 1522 now requires that California employers provide three paid sick leave days to all their employees.

SB 270 (Padilla, D): This narrowly passed bill now bans all plastic bags from grocers and retailers throughout California. Not only a ban, but a tax on Californians, who will now be charged 10 cents to use a paper bag or reusable bag. This will put thousands of plastic bag manufacturer workers out of work in California. This is useless legislation and must be stopped!

SB 1077 (DeSaulnier, D): The recently amended "Road Usage Fees" bill (from "Mileage Based Fees," same function, different name) passed through the legislature and is waiting for Governor Brown's signature. This bill creates a pilot program for the California Transportation Commission to begin to tax California automobile users by the number of miles they drive per day. The tax revenue from gas taxes just isn't the same in California since everyone and their mother drives a hybrid, so the Democrats have gotten creative on how they can take our money. This bill unfairly targets rural drivers who have to drive further for basic necessities and blue collar Californians who commute everyday.

Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Mail: Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tweet: @JerryBrownGov

CFRW Club Spotlight! Sacramento Republican Women Federated

This spotlight features the Sacramento Republican Women Federated club. The club’s primary focus over the past year was on increasing membership numbers. Last year’s memberships were carefully examined, and everyone that had not renewed was called and urged to renew. Additionally, each local Republican woman candidate was contacted and invited to join our club.

All local Republican office holders were sent letters and copies of our newsletter. This helped give our club greater exposure and demonstrated that we are a strong, viable organization that is available to assist them in their future endeavors. This was a valuable step in showing them that we are willing to work hard to achieve our goals as Republicans.

Assembly leader, Connie Conway joined our club and is now an associate member. She is a valuable member of the Sacramento community and we look forward to working with her. The club’s satellite entity for business and professional women that was started twelve years ago has also enjoyed an increase in growth. Our current Republican Sacramento County Supervisors, Susan Peters and Roberta MacGlashan, also joined. Roberta now serves as a member of the Sacramento club and Susan joined as an associate member. Janet Gardner is also a member.

We look forward to working together in the New Year with a view toward achieving our important goals and increasing our membership.

-Lynn MacLean, President
Sacramento Republican Women Federated

Over the next several weeks, I will be placing focus on individual clubs from CFRW. This is the best way to highlight the accomplishments of each California club and has the potential to give each member some new project ideas. I encourage any of you that would like your club to be featured in “Spotlight” to email or call me at 707-255-2815. I look forward to hearing about what makes your particular Club shine.

CFRW Membership Promotion
--- Email: gylnkastner@gmail.coms

The FBI’s most recent national threat assessment for domestic terrorism makes no reference to Islamist terror threats

Instead, the internal FBI intelligence report concluded in its 2013 assessment published this month that the threat to U.S. internal security from extremists is limited to attacks and activities by eight types of domestic extremist movements—none motivated by radical Islam. - Washington Free Beacon

...The report left out all references to the April 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon, which killed three people and injured some 264 others. Two brothers, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who were motivated by Islamist extremist beliefs, carried out the bombing. They learned the techniques for the homemade pressure cooker bombers from an al Qaeda linked magazine.

The FBI had been warned in advance of the attack by Russian security services that the brothers may have links to Chechen terrorists but failed to act.

The FBI report also made no direct reference to the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, by radicalized Army Maj. Nidal Hasan. The mass shooting left 13 dead and more than 30 injured.

Former FBI Agent John Guandolo said he was not surprised the report did not include any reference to domestic-origin Islamic terror.

“It should not surprise anyone who follows the jihadi threats in the United States that the FBI would not even include ‘Islamic terrorism’ in its assessment of serious threats to the republic in an official report,” Guandolo said.

“Since 9/11, FBI leadership—as well as leaders from Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, CIA, Pentagon, and the National Security Council—relies on easily identifiable jihadis from the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, al Qaeda and elsewhere to advise it on how to deal with ‘domestic extremism.’”

Patrick Poole, a domestic terrorism expert, also was critical of the report’s omission of U.S. Islamist extremism, blaming “politically correct” policies at the FBI for the problem.

“At the same time we have senior members of the Obama administration openly saying that it’s not a question of if but when we have a terror attack targeting the United States by ISIL, we have the FBI putting on blinders to make sure they don’t see that threat,” Poole said.

“These politically correct policies have already allowed Americans to be killed at Fort Hood and in Boston,” he added... MORE AT THE LINK.

Friday, August 29, 2014

It appears Boko Haram has discovered a new use for the kidnapped schoolgirls

Boko Haram Animals Use 10-yr-old Girl as Latest Suicide Bomber - Patriot Update

There has been a series of female suicide bombings in the city of Kano this August and it was the fourth bombing carried out by a female in the past week. The latest came when a female suicide bomber blew herself up at a college in Kano, Nigeria, killing 6 people. According to reports the bomber was a female teenager.

Government spokesman Mike Omeria said, “Security forces arrested 3 Boko Haram suspects in Katsina state, two of them were female. One was a 10-year old girl who had an explosive belt strapped to her by the others.” The thing is at that age she was totally unaware of what they had put on her (a belt of explosives) or that they had been detonating these explosive belts by remote control after the girls were close enough to their target.

A military source has revealed to Daily Mail, that some of the explosives used recently on the female suicide bombers sent by Boko Haram have been traced back to a Chinese mining factory which was seized just weeks ago by the sect. Circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that none of the teenage girls were informed about the suicide mission. When girls were supposedly sent on errands the sect members stayed hidden but close enough to use remote controls to detonate the Improvised Explosive Devise (IED’s)....

PR Nightmare: There is no way to spin Obama's latest epic failure.

Obama concedes victory to ISIS in Round One of the new great war - John Hayward/Human Events @Doc_o

You can save your breath, frantic Obama apologists. There is no way to spin the unmitigated disaster of this hapless President toddling to the podium yesterday and announcing to the world that he doesn’t have a strategy for defeating ISIS yet. The pants-wetting terror that immediately gripped everyone in the White House, and every dead-ender Obama-worshiping pundit, tells the true tale of how epic a blunder this was.

It wasn’t just a “gaffe.” It was nothing less than Barack Obama conceding victory to ISIS in Round One of the new great war. Get it through your skulls, kids: the President of the United States just ratified the existence of the Islamic State, admitted they’re going to get away with murdering American hostages, and threw in the towel on any hope of reversing their invasion of Iraq. He just told the enemy, which most certainly does have strategies and is not shy about advertising them, that they have the initiative. They’re calling the shots. The Golfer-in-Chief is still reacting, spinning, and fidgeting like a little kid stuck in detention, because he really wants to get back to the fun stuff - like handing out amnesty to illegal aliens, maneuvering unconstitutional “climate change” treaties past Congress, picking fights with his domestic political opponents, raising money for his Party, and hanging out with his fawning admirers in the press corps. He’s really bummed out that he has to keep dealing with head-chopping terrorists and Russians who like to go for joyrides in armored fighting vehicles.

Watch the visibly stunned folks at CNN wonder what three-dimensional chess game Obama might have been playing by telling the enemy he’s got no plans to defeat them:

The Bad, Good and Worse news at Obama’s ISIS press conference - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

Mark Levin summed it up nicely on Hannity the other night, not just as to ISIS but the entire thrust of the administration:

And our media?

Beyond pathetic:

(Note: If you're using Safari, and don't see the images in the Twitter messages, refresh your page. Safari's energy saver feature doesn't load images unless you refresh)

President Obama's own inversion

...even as his administration has been measuring the guillotine for the formerly American ground-beef monarch, Obama was himself hatching a plan with the openly stated purpose of moving beyond the confines of U.S. law. - Washington Examiner EDITORIAL

...In its zeal to court wealthy environmentalist donors, the Obama White House announced plans to negotiate and sign a climate accord at a United Nations summit in Paris next year. There's just one catch: There is zero chance that an agreement on this topic will get the 67 votes required for ratification in the Senate.

Why bother with a treaty that will have no legal authority in the United States? The only reason for it is to pressure the Americans he ostensibly represents at the negotiating table into conforming with nations on the opposite side of the issue. As the New York Times put it, “Obama's climate negotiators are devising what they call a 'politically binding' deal that would 'name and shame' countries into cutting their emissions.”

And so having failed during six years in office to get his way — the public is utterly unpersuaded of the need for laws that impose drastic, economy-crippling reductions in carbon emissions — the president is now carrying out his own inversion by enlisting foreign governments to overcome domestic resistance. At next year's summit in Paris, Obama plans to negotiate against you. If corporate inversions are suddenly unpatriotic, what is one to make of this?...

U.K. raises terrorist threat level

The U.K. in response to a threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria raised its terrorist attack warning system to the second highest level Friday from substantial to severe, which carries the warning that a terrorist attack is "highly likely."
The U.S. National Terrorism Advisory System’s website shows no current threat, the lowest level. The system has three threat levels: none; elevated, which means a credible terrorist threat; and imminent, which means a credible, specific and impending threat.
America has no strategy, but ISIS does: Biological terrorism - Noah Rothman/HotAir
The nature of the threat the Islamic State poses to the West is a subject of much debate. Some indicate that the group is planning to execute attacks in the West at its nearest opportunity, while others say that the organization has designs only on capturing and holding territory in its neighborhood – and that’s a range of confused opinions coming from former and current administration officials.

While there is a robust debate over whether ISIS is planning to execute terrorist attacks against Western targets, there should be no debate that the origination is actively seeking the capability to carry out terror strikes.

According to a report in Foreign Policy magazine on Thursday, investigators recently had an opportunity to inspect a Dell laptop allegedly linked to ISIS which was transported to Turkey from Syria. In that laptop, which belonged to a man who studied chemistry and physics at two Tunisian universities, contained files with instructions on how to manufacture weaponized bacterial agents.

Family’s Sole Survivor as ISIS Terrorists Target Iraqi Town

After escaping a terrorist-besieged Iraqi town with his family, 2-year-old Hassan was wounded when a suicide bomb went off near a mosque. - Josh Siegel/The Daily Signal

The blast in the Kurdistan-controlled Kirkuk province, set off by terrorists from the group Islamic State, killed the boy’s entire immediate family. Today, three weeks later, the toddler remains in the hospital, bandages covering much of his face.

Dr. Ali al-Bayati, head of an Iraq-based humanitarian group called the Turkmen Saving Foundation, said of Hassan:
He belongs to a refugee family who left Amerli seeking a safe place after the savage attack of the terrorists to their city. He lost his family, as they were killed in the explosion with many of his relatives as well.
The Turkmen in Amerli are not waiting for U.S. direction, al-Bayati told The Daily Signal. He said 5,000 Turkmen volunteers are fighting the Islamic State jihadists in Amerli.

At least 15,000 civilians, including many women and children, are trapped in Amerli without access to food or water, he said.

The United Nations special representative for Iraq, Nickolay Mladenov, said last weekend that the situation in Amerli “demands immediate action to prevent the possible massacre of its citizens.”

#NoStrategyYet Obama Embarks On Democratic Fundraising Trifecta

Obama headlines three events on Friday. Two are just north of New York City, in Westchester County, and the third is in Newport, Rhode Island. - CBS DC

REPORT: Accepts invitation to George Clooney's Italy wedding (according to RadarOnline( - A Day At The Races via Drudge

‘Has a strategy for that, doesn’t he?’ Obama’s weekend: Fundraisers, wedding of MSNBC host - Twitchy

Don’t expect a military strategy on ‘Thursday before long weekend’ - Twitchy

URGENT: Obama to interrupt weekend fundraising trip, will return to DC...
To attend MSNBC wedding...
Tells crowd: Media to blame for sense 'world falling apart'...

(Note: If you're using Safari, and don't see the images in the Twitter messages, refresh your page. Safari's energy saver feature doesn't load images unless you refresh)

In Aleppo, Syria rebels back US strikes against jihadists

In Syria's Aleppo, devastated by two years of fighting and regime attacks, rebels and activists are eager for US strikes against jihadists they say have stolen their anti-government uprising. - AFP

The United States has yet to decide on whether it will carry out air strikes in Syria against jihadists from the Islamic State group, though it is already doing so in neighbouring Iraq.

The Islamic State's campaign of extreme violence and abuses against both civilians and rival opposition groups has prompted a backlash across rebel-held Syria, where many hope the US air campaign next door will be extended.

"We support US strikes against Daesh," said Abu Al-Muqdad, a fighter in Aleppo with the Islamic Front, a rebel coalition, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State (IS).

Canada: Geography can be tough. Here’s a guide for Russian soldiers who keep getting lost & ‘accidentally’ entering #Ukraine

It Begins: Terrorists may lose Norwegian citizenship

The government is considering withdrawing Norwegian citizenship from people taking part in terror activities and wars abroad. - The Local (Norway's news in English)

Plans to punish the potential threat of terrorist activity in Norway were announced on Monday.

Minister of Children and Equality, Solveig Horne, said to the media: “This is a strong signal to people wanting to take part in terror operations and wars.”

The Norwegian government believes it is important to look at new measures to oppose radical behavior connected to terrorism.

Horne said: “We will turn over every stone to find the necessary measures to prevent radicalization and extremism. We will begin discussion about introducing regulations on revocation for any citizen causing serious damage to vital government interests or who has volunteered to serve in foreign military services.”

Isis gang of four sparked Norway's terror alert - The Local (Norway's news in English)

Dagbladet reported they know the identities and backgrounds of four Isis terrorists with nationalities outside of the Middle East. The group were on their way to Norway and this triggered a terror alert on July 24th, according to newspaper sources.

The Norwegian intelligence agency on July 18th was warned by a foreign agency that a terror attack against Norway was expected. At the same time, PST (the Norwegian police security agency) received notification from another cooperating agency of a planned terror attack against Norway.

It is not known where the terror attack was supposed to happen, but information indicated that the terror operation would be on a large scale and would spread fear around the world.

California drivers brace for costly new gas tax

Californians already pay the nation's second highest gas tax at 68 cents a gallon -- and now it will go up again in January to pay for a first-in-the-nation climate change law. - FOX

..."I think it’s terrible," added Lupe Sanchez, pumping $4.09-a-gallon gas at a Chevron near Santa Monica. "The economy, the way it is right now with jobs and everything, it's just crazy."

When gas prices go up, motorists typically blame oil companies, Arab sheiks and Wall Street speculators. This time they can blame Sacramento and former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for passing a bill requiring California to reduce carbon emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.

The tax on carbon already raised about $1 billion in revenue by requiring manufacturers and utilities to buy credits for each ton of carbon emitted into the atmosphere. At the beginning of next year, the law will also apply to oil and gas. Refiners and distributors say they will pass another $2 billion in costs on - largely to consumers....


Strategy? What strategy? Behold ‘the Obama Doctrine in one sentence’ - Twitchy

Americans are more than twice as likely to say they "strongly disapprove" (39%) of President Barack Obama's job performance as they are to say they "strongly approve" (17%). The percentage of Americans who strongly disapprove of Obama has increased over time, while the percentage who strongly approve has dropped by almost half.

Obama's "Strong Disapproval" Double His "Strong Approval" - Gallup

Three in Four Republicans Strongly Disapprove of Obama's Job Performance

Since 2009, a majority of Republicans have strongly disapproved of Obama's performance, ranging between 58% and 75%. Gallup has not asked this intensity question frequently, but in its recent Aug. 7-10 poll, this percentage jumped 13 points from the January 2011 measure, suggesting that extreme dissatisfaction among the president's opposing party is higher than it has ever been.

As New Dangers Loom, More Think the U.S. Does ‘Too Little’ to Solve World Problems - Pew Research Center

A large majority of Americans think the world is a more dangerous place than it was several years ago. And a terrorist group that was not even on the public’s radar a year ago – the Islamic militants known as ISIS or ISIL – today ranks near the top of its list of U.S. security threats.

As the public’s views of global threats have changed, so too have opinions about America’s role in solving world problems. On balance, more continue to think the United States does too much, rather than too little, to help solve world problems. But the share saying the U.S. does too little to address global problems has nearly doubled – from 17% to 31% – since last November, while the percentage saying it is doing too much has fallen from 51% to 39%.

Lawsuit seeking release of Michael Brown's juvenile records claims slain teen was a murder suspect

An explosive new lawsuit filed in St. Louis seeking the release of Michael Brown's juvenile criminal record alleges the slain teen was a gang member and faced a second degree murder charge. -

The citizen journalism website GotNews took St. Louis County authorities to court Wednesday to secure the release of the records because it believes they do not need to be kept private since he is no longer alive.

The unarmed Brown was fatally shot earlier this month by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. He has no criminal record as an adult, but only because he had recently turned 18, claims GotNews Editor-in-chief Charles Johnson.

The citizen journo wrote in a Wednesday afternoon post to his site and on Twitter that he was told by law enforcement sources the black teen has a juvenile arrest record that is being kept private....

A court hearing is set for September 3.

Michael Brown had no criminal record, police say - USA Today (8/14)

Just How Confidential IS Mike Brown’s Confidential Juvenile Record? - Andrew Branca/Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion September 4, 2014

Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion Coverage of the events in Ferguson

The fight against ISIS – and the horrific atrocities its members commit – is one that should unite us all, regardless of religion, nationality or race.

These Michigan Muslim leaders recently gathered to denounce ISIS - IJ Review
Muslims Denounce ISIS As ‘The Enemies Of Humanity’ at Public Protest in Michigan - IJ Review

On Monday, a protest was held in Dearborn, Michigan, home to one of the nation’s largest Muslim populations. The object of protest wasn’t the U.S. government, but instead the Islamic State (or ISIS/ISIL.)
The rally was actually put on by local Muslim imams, and they had harsh words for ISIS. The Detroit Free Press has more:
Muslim leaders gathered Monday on the steps of Dearborn City Hall to strongly condemn ISIS, saying the militant group in Iraq and Syria doesn’t represent Islam or Muslims.

ISIS members are “crazy criminals who are abusing our religion,” said Imam Mohammed Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn Heights. “You’re a bunch of gangsters … you’re not Islamic.”

[...]About 50 attended Monday’s rally, which included remarks by local imams, Osama Siblani, publisher of Arab American News in Dearborn, Dawud Walid, director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and Steve Spreitzer, president and CEO of the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion.

“They are the enemies of humanity,” Siblani said of ISIS.

Bashar Al Assad Is Laying a Deadly Ambush for Obama in Syria

resident Barack Obama's decision to authorize aerial surveillance of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) positions in Syria suggests that airstrikes employing manned and unmanned aircraft may not be far behind. All of this is right and proper. Yet danger lurks. - Fred Hof/New Republic

The head of Syria's preeminent crime family—President Bashar Al Assad—waits, crocodile-like, for the American angler to tumble out of the boat. For Assad, opportunity knocks. If he handles matters correctly he can, with an assist from American inaction, return to polite society while others do the anti-ISIS heavy lifting for him....

ISIS Releases PHOTOS of Mass-Execution Of Captured Syrian Soldiers After Seizing Main Airbase

The photographs, which were published yesterday on the Internet, show the aftermath of the Islamic State’s latest conquest against the Syrian military. Islamic State fighters overran the Tabqa airbase last weekend. - Pamela Geller

Tabqa was the last bastion for Syrian military forces in Raqqah province, which is now fully under the control of the Islamic State.

The photographs from Tabqa show what appear to be the bodies of dozens of Syrian soldiers who were killed during the fighting. The Islamic State also provides images of several Syrian soldiers, including at least one pilot, who were captured during the assault.

One photograph shows seven captured soldiers kneeling on the ground as Islamic State fighters shoot them from behind. The Islamic State has previously released similar photographs of Iraqi soldiers who were executed by the jihadist group.

- See more at:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Gov. Bobby Jindal to sue Obama administration on Common Core

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said he was filing a lawsuit on Wednesday against the Obama administration over alleged manipulation of grant money to force states to accept Common Core as their school standards. - Cheryl K. Chumley/Washington Times

Mr. Jindal is also accusing the White House of manipulating the regulatory process to compel states to take the much-disputed educational program, The Associated Press reported.

The U.S. Department of Education used its $4.3 billion grant program and waiver policy to press states into accepting the same educational testing and standards program. Mr. Jindal said that action “effectively forces states down a path toward a national curriculum,” which violates the 10th Amendment of the Constitution — state sovereignty, AP said.

Mr. Jindal also alleged the action breaks federal laws that ban the federal government from taking control of school and educational content.

In his suit, Jindal says the new program violates the 10th Amendment by subverting state sovereignty as the administration pressured states to adopt the standards. Jindal initially supported Common Core but reversed course. - David Drucker/Washington Examiner

“The proponents of Common Core will tell you that it’s simply about one test and about standards, but that’s a ruse. Common Core is about controlling curriculum. Educators know that what’s tested is what’s taught,” Jindal said. “Make no mistake — Common Core tests will drive curriculum. Common Core supporters should own up to this fact and finally admit they want to control curriculum. These are big government elitists that believe they know better than parents and local school boards.”

Jindal argues that the Obama administration “hijacked” the program and transformed it from its original intent.

When the U.S. Abdicates, Disaster Usually Follows

The gradual disintegration of Iraq has prompted any number of backward glances: At President Obama and his policies; at the stewardship of Iraq's now ex-Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ; at the forces of religion and tribalism. - Philip Terzian/Wall St. Journal

My own backward glance is to January 2008, and the early stages of the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. At a town meeting in New Hampshire, candidate Sen. John McCain was asked to comment on President George W. Bush's assertion that American troops might have to remain in Iraq for 50 years.

"Maybe one hundred," Mr. McCain replied. "As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed, it's fine with me and I hope it would be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where al Qaeda is training, recruiting, equipping, and motivating people every single day."

All hell broke loose in the media. Democratic candidates then-Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama swiftly condemned what was widely regarded as a gaffe. On CNN Mr. McCain felt obliged to clarify. "It's not a matter of how long we're in Iraq," he explained, alluding to our military presence in Japan, Germany and South Korea, "it's if we succeed or not."

In retrospect, Mr. McCain was correct: He predicted that setting a timetable for withdrawal would mean "chaos, that means genocide, that means undoing all the success we've achieved." This is now happening. But the press consensus, then as now, was that the American people were war-weary and a President McCain would perpetuate Mr. Bush's "failed" policies....

We have here an object lesson in statecraft: The duty of political leaders in perilous times is to lead, not follow, public opinion. And "war-weariness," whatever that means, is no excuse for dereliction of historic duty.

Obama getting more aggressive on seizing power

Obama’s new power grab: A climate change treaty without Senate ratification - HotAir

It’s not a “new” treaty, apparently, if they’re rewriting an old treaty that’s already been ratified. Maybe that’s a sneak peek of Obama’s Syria policy too. Instead of asking for a new AUMF against ISIS, he could issue an “addendum” or whatever to the 2001 AUMF against Al Qaeda. Come to think of it, that’s his approach on immigration too. The mega-amnesty he’s getting ready to uncork isn’t being presented as new policy, even though it would legalize five million people or more. It’s being presented as a discretionary application of law that’s already on the books.

Turns out every bold new move Obama wants to make as president has already been authorized by statute, as if prophesied. I’m almost grateful in hindsight that he asked Congress to pass ObamaCare instead of deciding that some clause buried in the original Medicare bill allows him to order universal health care by fiat.

'I wonder who she b**w this time': Katie Couric's bitchy aside after bitter rival Diane Sawyer beat her to land an interview, revealed in tell-all book

Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer were so at war with each other that a rattled Couric once bitched: 'I wonder who she blew this time to get it' when Sawyer beat her to win an interview, a new book claims. - Daily Mail

...The book follows the rise of three respected, but fiercely competitive, newswomen Couric, Sawyer and CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

And a swathe of the book details just how difficult things became between Couric and Sawyer as they competed for stories and interviews.

The Daily Beast quotes Weller's book as saying: 'When a friend of Diane's, a public figure, was being pursued by Katie's people, the wooed eminence got a call from [Diane's movie director husband] Mike Nichols, who said -- in a very nice way, to be sure -- that he and Diane would essentially cut off all social contact if their friend appeared on Today'....

Despite this, a TV source insisted to MailOnline in June: 'This book is riddled with inaccuracies, dates and ratings that are mentioned are not correct. What's sad is that this could have been a fantastic book instead of something that has blatant misogynistic undertones. These women are fascinating, all of them have sides, of course, but all of them have worked extremely hard to get to where they are.'

While another said: 'Katie is taking this on the chin, she's spunky, she's had enough c**p written about her before, but this is really the first time that Diane has been written about in this way, she's not happy.'

An ABC source previously MailOnline: 'these claims are just too ridiculous to even consider.'

Can constitutional rights be lost permanently if they aren't used?

Can constitutional rights be destroyed by desuetude? - Pacific Legal Foundation

Earlier this month, the Second Circuit rejected a Takings Clause challenge to a New York statute that, by increasing the state’s homestead exemption, destroyed a lien holder’s property interest. Rather than resolving what sort of property interest the lien was or what test applied to the taking, the Second Circuit concluded that, regardless of the interest or its level of protection, the claim has to fail because the homestead exemption is a “background principle” that inheres in all titles....

...This ruling threatens to have a significant impact on property owners. As Prof. John Echevarria notes on his Takings Litigation blog, states have been closely regulating property use through zoning regulations for a century. If zoning itself could become a background principle, the Constitution’s protections against regulatory takings would largely evaporate.

Media curiously silent on “Truthy”

Where is the outrage over our government spending one million of our taxpayer dollars being spent on a project that would completely undermine free speech?! - HotAir

It’s been a couple of days since the Washington Free Beacon’s Elizabeth Harrington first reported on the three-year-old federal grant from the National Science Foundation for the “Truthy” database, and … not much else has happened. Blogs have picked it up, including our own Mary Katharine, and Reason’s Bobby Soave did a good job of highlighting its inherent contradictions. Twitchy has collated a number of tongue-in-cheek attempts to kick-start Truthy. Other than that, the national media appears to have gone radio silent on this latest project; according to a Bing news search this morning, no national outlet has yet picked up the story from WFB....

But don’t worry … you’ll love Big Brother! They promise not to make that a “suspicious meme,” too.

Why are the Feds monitoring "hate speech"? And who decides what that is... - IJ Review

So if there’s a “suspicious tweet,” it will be flagged and tracked. What happens when people disagree on what constitutes “hate speech” and “misinformation?”

Also, what happens to the database - which is funded by taxpayer dollars - and who will have control of it?

" 'Evil' seems a pretty accurate description for an organization that is not only intolerant toward gays, Christians, atheists, moderate Muslims, Jews, women, et al but also stones, beheads and enslaves them," writes Jonah Goldberg. So why the reluctance in using "evil" to describe Islamic State?

If 'evil' doesn't apply to Islamic State, what does? - Jonah Goldberg/LA Times

AFRAID TO SAY MUSLIM? Daily Mail reports on ‘Asians’ who sexually exploited 1400 girls in one town in England - The Right Scoop
Yeah, these men aren’t just Asian, they’re Muslim and the Daily Mail is afraid to say it. And what’s amazing is this case isn’t new. Just google it and you’ll find many sites talking about this Muslim pedophile gang from Rotherham.

So there’s your irony. Social Workers didn’t save these girls for fear of being racist and the Daily Mail doesn’t want to be racist either, so they use the code word ‘Asian’ for Muslim.
Muslims react with outrage at UK sex abuse report - AP via CNS
Members of Britain's Pakistani community reacted with outrage Wednesday amid reports that officials failed to act on sex abuse cases because of concerns about racism in the northern English town of Rotherham.

Report author Alexis Jay said between 1997 and 2013, some 1,400 children were sexually exploited in the town of 250,000, mostly by Pakistani men. Charities that deal with abused children have expressed shock not just at the number of victims but by the apparent reluctance of town authorities to address the fact that people of Pakistani heritage were involved for fear they would be labeled racists.
'Incubator for terrorism': UK leaders under pressure to take on jihadist problem - FOX

‘Taxes Really Do Matter’: Whopper of a Lesson From Burger King’s Move

Warren Buffett will pay $3B for Burger King to buy Tim Hortons — and avoid U.S. taxes - NY Daily News
Buffett’s investment in Burger King will allow the burger chain to move part of its headquarters to Ontario and avoid paying millions in U.S. corporate taxes. The move comes a month after President Obama denounced ‘inversion’ tactics like this as an ‘unpatriotic tax loophole.’
Following Burger King’s example, more companies will aim to move their headquarters to other countries if the United States doesn’t lower — or eliminate — the corporate tax rate, a prominent economist says. - Josh Siegel/The Daily Signal

Under the deal, Burger King insisted later today it does not plan to relocate to Canada, where corporate taxes are significantly lower.

“This is not a tax-driven deal. It is fundamentally about growth and creating value through accelerated expansion,” Executive Chairman Alex Behring said on a media call....

The nation’s effective corporate tax rate, combining national, state and local rates, is nearly 40 percent—the highest across all 34 countries that belong to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Canada’s rate is just above 26 percent.

Insider Info On Burger King Move - Herman Cain

Buffett Burger King Funds Flip Obama’s Inversion Calculus - Bloomberg
Billionaire Warren Buffett was an ally of President Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign and the force behind Obama’s “Buffett Rule,” designed to increase tax bills for the wealthiest Americans.

Now, the second-richest man in the U.S. has dented Obama’s effort to stamp out corporate inversions.

Buffett’s financing of Burger King Worldwide Inc. (BKW)’s $11.4 billion purchase of the Canadian fast-food chain Tim Hortons Inc. (THI) challenges Obama’s argument that inversions are unpatriotic and gives defenders of the practice leverage to make their case.

“Warren Buffett has nothing to be defensive about -- this looks like a smart investment that should benefit his shareholders,” said Tony Fratto, a Treasury Department and White House official in President George W. Bush’s administration. “As for the White House and Treasury, I hope they learn something here.”
‘Might as well join the ISIS': Lefty comments to Burger King are hilarious - Twitchy

Newsflash! The climate really isn’t changing that much.

When Climate Change Data Doesn't Support Liberal Claims, They Have To Lie - John Hayward/Human Events @Doc_o

...Meteorologist and global-warming skeptic Joe Bastardi has a fairly straightforward theory that models natural climate change in a way that tracks neatly with the accumulated data....

He cites all the data that has proven so inconvenient for the Church of Global Warming, so inconsistent with the hypothesis of human activity knocking global temperatures out of whack… but quite agreeable to the model of a complex planetary system that occasionally grows disjointed, perhaps from factors such as solar activities, but fixes itself over the course of decades. It’s not global warming or cooling, but a “distortion” that produces hot and cold fluctuations in different regions until the system stabilizes. A spurt of warmer temperatures in the 80s and 90s coincided with the growth of a political movement determined to use climate science as a club for beating unruly industrial democracies into submission; what we’re seeing today is not merely a “pause” in warming, but a transition to cooling that will return the overall global situation to its historic norms.

As Bastardi observes, he’s got a theoretical model sturdier than anything the Church of Global Warming has been able to produce, after spending $165 billion of other people’s money. Instead of howling that everyone who questions its officially-sanctioned dogmas is the equivalent of a Holocaust denier, maybe politicized climate scientists should be firmly shoved away from our national treasuries and told to sit quietly while another decade or two of data roll in. They’ve been wrong about everything so far, while Bastardi, who has been working on his theory and using it as the basis of long-term predictions since 2007, has been right. I’m old enough to remember when being right or wrong had a lot to do with the respect accorded to scientific theories, no matter how politically useful they were.

A sea of blank or frowning faces looking silently back at the president as he paused for failed applause line after failed applause line.

Obama’s Speech To The American Legion Was Painfully Awkward [VIDEO] - Daily Caller

It wasn’t exactly the roaring, adoring, campaign-style crowd President Barack Obama is accustomed to....

Tepid clapping greets unpopular Obama's VA speech at American Legion convention in his first speech to group since 2011 - David Martosko/Daily Mail [UK]

President Barack Obama faced a tough crowd on Tuesday – American military veterans – and fell flat on his applause lines as he failed to win over the American Legion's convention-goers.

His 35-minute speech seemed to have reminded the audience of the stark divide between the White House's policy choices and the feelings of the men and women often called on to carry them out.

A Virginia legionnaire who served in the U.S. Marine Corps told MailOnline that 'a small group of Obama's admirers – and there are some here – sat near the front and tried to generate applause for him about 10 times.'

'They didn't get much pickup,' the retired lieutenant colonel said of the 'instigators' gathered at the Charlotte, North Carolina event, but 'they were persistent. You could tell when the applause was genuine and when it wasn't. It was obvious to everyone here.'

Most of the veterans sat on their hands, leaving awkward silences where White House speechwriters expected ovations....

After the customary introductions and thank-yous to dignitaries, Obama spoke for nearly eight full minutes on Tuesday without a single clap.

He touted his foreign policy bona fides, boasting that 'even countries that criticize us – when the chips are down and they need help, they know who to call. They call us. That's what American leadership looks like.'


'Sustaining our leadership, keeping America strong and secure, means we have to use our power wisely,' Obama cautioned, in keeping with his slow approach to battling ISIS and other terror groups overseas.

'History teaches us of the dangers of overreaching and spreading ourselves too thin, and trying to go it alone without international support, or rushing into military adventures without thinking through the consequences.'


Without the Internet we would never have known.
Time Mag Forced to Edit Israel Blood Libel from Report

Early Sunday morning it was found that Time magazine had included in one of its video reports the lie that Israeli soldiers were selling the organs of dead Palestinians on the black market. - Breitbart

To its credit, by that afternoon the magazine had apologized and edited out the classic blood libel claim....

After HonestReporting exposed these facts, Time magazine did the right thing and edited out the false claims from its video. The magazine also posted the following notice of the correction at the end of the video:
Correction: The original version of this video cited a contested allegation in a 2009 Swedish newspaper report as fact. The allegation has been removed from the video.
It is good that the magazine excised this lie from its video and also good that it owned up to the edit instead of just quietly sending it away.

But that this un-sourced lie was so easy for Time's reporters to believe and that they so quickly included the lie in their report without bothering to check it – that really shows the anti-Israeli bias at the heart of the media.

Burger King Flees US Taxes by Moving to Canada

Under Obama, the United States is turning into California and plenty of American companies are doing what California companies have been doing. - Daniel Greenfield/Front Page

Even if taxes were the issue (and a few percentage points for an $18 billion company still amounts to a sizable sum. A very sizable sum.) Burger King won’t announce it out loud. Why irritate American consumers or Washington.

No company likes to look greedy, but the idea that such a move will have nothing to do with the tax advantages is simply denial....

Instead of competing for their business, we’ll be warning the companies that we still have left not to leave. That’s exactly the kind of scenario likely to move companies faster out the door.

Sen. Hueso’s Arrest Shakes California Democratic Party

Jon Coupal speaks out on recent arrests of Democratic legislators and urges suspended representatives not continue to be paid. - FOX Sacramento via Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

SACRAMENTO- With his Friday morning arrest, State Senator Ben Hueso, D-San Diego, became the fourth state lawmaker and the fourth state democrat to be arrested in less than a year....

Senator Hueso was arrested after partying with the Latino Caucus at Il Fornaio and then continuing to drink with other lawmakers on the balcony that overlooks the assembly floor.

That behavior has been banned in the senate as Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg has stressed ethics in the wake of an election fraud conviction for Senator Rod Wright, corruption indictments for Senator Ron Calderon and gun trafficking charges against Senator Leland Yee.

Those accused are on suspension, but still getting paid – something the legislature tried to fix constitutionally this year but didn’t act fast enough to get the amendment on the fall ballot.

“Yes, they’re saying it’s going to be on the ballot in two years but my guess is they’ll take it off. They want to be able to posture to the public that they’re doing something about it,” Jon Coupal with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association told FOX40.

26-Year-Old Female Relief Worker Named Next to Be Executed if U.S. Does Not Fulfill ISIS’ Demands

This morning it was revealed that a third American citizen held hostage by ISIS is a 26-year-old woman from the West Coast who was performing humanitarian relief work when she was kidnapped in Syria last year. The family requested that the name not be released to the public. - IJReview

Why the increase in demands for the release of U.S. hostages? Through the Bergdahl trade, the President has already shown that he will release terrorists we hold in exchange for American citizens.

This young woman has probably been through hell during her captivity, and one would expect that the Obama administration is using all of the resources at its disposal to locate and rescue her and our other hostages. Hopefully last week’s disclosures of the failed Foley rescue mission will not have jeopardized a mission to rescue her.

Epic fail: Obama delayed Foley rescue because he worried about his image

Obama delayed Foley rescue because he worried about his image - Allen West

So here’s yet another symptom of epic fail from Obama and his JV team of dubious sycophants. As reported by Fox News and Breitbart from the original article in The Sunday Times by Toby Harden, “Pentagon sources said Foley and the others might well have been rescued but Obama, concerned about the ramifications of US troops being killed or captured in Syria, took too long to authorize the mission.” It’s claimed that Obama was concerned about his administration being Carterized had the mission failed.”

In others words, the most important decision criteria for mission execution was President Barack Hussein Obama’s image.

As the Sunday Times article states, “for President Barack Obama the decision to send in the Night Stalkers was an agonizing one. The audacious bin Laden raid in Pakistan had been a success but also preying on his mind was the failed 1980 Delta Force operation to rescue American hostages in Tehran. Sandstorms and mechanical troubles led the mission to be abandoned and eight American troops were killed when two aircraft collided. The debacle cast a shadow over Jimmy Carter’s presidency.”

...Anthony Shaffer is a former lieutenant-colonel in U.S. military intelligence who worked on covert operations and someone I know very well. He said, “I’m told it was almost a 30-day delay from when they said they wanted to go to when he finally gave the green light. They were ready to go in June to grab the guy [Foley] and they weren’t permitted.”

College Students Create Nail Polish That Changes Colors When Exposed To Date Rape Drugs

Undercover Colors’ brilliant idea combines the stylish practicality of nail polish with chemicals that can detect Rohypnol, Xanax and GHB. - EliteDaily

...When wearing the polish, women can test their drink by stirring it with their finger. The company hopes to make would-be rapists fear the potential repercussions of being caught trying to drug a woman.

Its profile states,
Through this nail polish and similar technologies, we hope to make potential perpetrators afraid to spike a woman’s drink because there’s now a risk that they can get caught. In effect, we want to shift the fear from the victims to the perpetrators.
Undercover Colors won $100,000 at Kairos Society K50 competition at the beginning of August.

In order to make their invention a reality, the cofounders are asking for ◼ donations from supporters.

1984 never seemed so real!

Big Brother Is Watching: Obama's Latest Scheme Is His Most Terrifying Yet

Conservatives kick-start government’s $1 million #Truthy ‘misinformation’ database - TWITCHY

Anyone nostalgic for the Obama campaign’s “Attack Watch” project will be heartened to know that the federal government plans to spend $1 million to create a “Truthy” database that will track “false and misleading ideas” on social media. ◼ The Washington Free Beacon reports:
The National Science Foundation is financing the creation of a web service that will monitor “suspicious memes” and what it considers “false and misleading ideas,” with a major focus on political activity online.

The “Truthy” database, created by researchers at Indiana University, is designed to “detect political smears, astroturfing, misinformation, and other social pollution.”

The university has received $919,917 so far for the project.

“Truthy” claims to be non-partisan. However, the project’s lead investigator Filippo Menczer proclaims his support for numerous progressive advocacy groups, including President Barack Obama’s Organizing for Action,, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Amnesty International, and True Majority.

Media curiously silent on “Truthy” - Where is the outrage over our government spending one million of our taxpayer dollars being spent on a project that would completely undermine free speech?! - HotAir

Bureau of Meteorology ‘altering climate figures

From Jo Nova: BOM finally explains! Cooling changed to warming trends because stations “might” have moved! - Watts Up With That?

The two provocative articles Lloyd put together last week were Heat is on over weather bureau and Bureau of Meteorology ‘altering climate figures, - Joanne Nova

...This is the power of the press at its best. The absence of articles like these, is why I have said the media IS the problem — as long as the media ignore the BOM failure to supply their full methods and reasons the BOM mostly get away with it. It’s an excellent development The Australian is starting to hold the BOM to account. (No sign of curiosity or investigation at the ABC and Fairfax, who are happy to parrot BOM press releases unquestioned like sacred scripts.)

Heat is on over weather bureau - The Australian
Bureau of Meteorology ‘altering climate figures - The Australian
Scientists abandon science to popularize climate change alarmism - HotAir

The logical contentions have failed, they seem to reason. Rather than examine that critically, they chose to shift tactics from argumentation to shaming and emoting. This is not a tactic which respects its audience as thinking individuals. The public knows an advertising campaign when they see one.

The Obama Administration’s Attempt to Balkanize Hawaii

This Obama Administration Proposal Would Effectively Authorize Some Americans Seceding - The Daily Signal

In its latest assault on the U.S. Constitution, the Obama administration is proposing to recognize so-called “Native” Hawaiians as an Indian tribe entitled to separate and become an independent sovereign and to “reestablish” a “government-to-government relationship between the United State and the Native Hawaiian community.”

Such an unconstitutional action would amount to authorizing secession for certain residents of Hawaii.

It would also implicitly authorize government-sanctioned, discriminatory conduct against any other residents who don’t meet the explicit ancestry and blood-quantum requirements to be considered a “Native.” This would balkanize Hawaii, dividing the islands into separate racial and ethnic enclaves, and undo “the political bargain through which Hawaii secured its admission into the Union.”

At the end of June, the Department of the Interior issued an “Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” that set out the administration’s plan, with the opportunity for the public to file comments ending on August 19. No doubt to its chagrin, the administration encountered strong opposition at a series of hearings the Interior Department held in Hawaii in June and July, with one official from the state Office of Hawaiian Affairs being loudly booed when she declared her support for the plan.

The Obama Administration’s Attempt to Balkanize Hawaii - Heritage Foundation
Both unconstitutional and bad public policy, this action would balkanize Hawaii, dividing the islands into separate racial and ethnic enclaves. It would also undo “the political bargain through which Hawaii secured its admission into the Union … when native Hawaiians themselves voted for statehood, thus voluntarily and democratically relinquishing any residual sovereignty to the United States.”...

What the Interior Department does not mention, however, is that it encountered strong opposition at a series of ANPR hearings held in Hawaii.[7] At one such hearing, “the vast majority of native Hawaiians who testified” were “indignant and even outraged, that the federal government would try to insert itself or side with any faction of native Hawaiians,” and “they scolded, shouted at and questioned the motives of Interior Department officials.”[8] Colette Machado, chairperson of the state Office of Hawaiian Affairs, “encountered loud protests and boos when she declared her support for the federal government and encouraged officials to move forward” with the proposal.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Outrageous: DOJ Attorneys: Lerner’s Emails Exist, But Here’s Why We Aren’t Turning Them Over

Despite IRS officials’ sworn testimony and affidavits to the contrary, a DOJ attorney has learned there is a backup system where Lois Lerner’s emails are stored. - IJReview
So why haven’t they been produced, pursuant to subpoena and court order?
Judicial Watch: DOJ Admits Lois Lerner’s Emails Do Exist on Gov’t Backup System - CNS

A Department of Justice attorney admitted that “lost” emails from Lois Lerner’s hard drive do exist on an emergency backup system, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said today.
Fitton made the bombshell declaration during an appearance on Fox News:
"The Department of Justice attorney told the Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records in case something terrible happens in Washington and there is a catastrophe. So the government can continue operating. They say it would be too hard to go get Lois Lerner's e-mails from that back-up system.

"Everything we've been hearing about scratched hard drives, missing e-mails of Lois Lerner, other IRS officials, other officials in the Obama administration, it's all been a pack of malarkey. They could get these records but they don't want to and they haven't told anyone about it, frankly, until we were able to get it out of them on Friday. There's no such thing as Lois Lerner's missing e-mails. It's all been a big lie. They've been lying to the courts, to the American people and to Congress."
Group Claims IRS Lawyer Said Lerner’s Emails Were Backed Up - The Daily Signal
“There’s no such thing as Lois Lerner’s missing emails. It’s all been a big lie. They’ve been lying to the courts, to the American people, and to Congress. It’s really outrageous.”
IRS now claims Lois Lerner’s emails not really missing, just really hard to find - HotAir

The indications of criminal conduct out of the IRS did not stop there. On Monday, court filings revealed that the tax agency destroyed Lerner’s blackberry on which the suspect emails were contained after the agency learned that her computer had crashed and a congressional inquiry was already underway.

IRS Shocker: Filing Reveals Lerner Blackberry Destroyed - The device was wiped AFTER Congressional inquiry began - New York Obaerver

Judge Sullivan has had to pry information from the IRS to learn anything about Ms. Lerner’s Blackberry. Now, with these latest revelations, I’m confident he’s not finished.

In two elusive and nebulous sworn declarations, we can glean that Ms. Lerner had two Blackberries. One was issued to her on November 12, 2009. According to a sworn declaration, this is the Blackberry that contained all the emails (both sent and received) that would have been in her “Outlook” and drafts that never were sent from her Blackberry during the relevant time.

...Aside from the fact the IRS was required to keep hard copies, we now know they should exist on Blackberry servers as well as Google and perhaps others. Indeed, the Department of Justice has disclosed that they all should be on a government server—as we suspected.

Judge Sullivan has already appointed federal Magistrate Judge John Facciola to assist the parties in finding the emails on other devices. Between the two of them, they can demand production of the emails from the servers, and there are still more questions to answer.

What are all the servers the emails went through? Blackberry is touted as the most secure, so surely the emails should be found there. All of the data on her current Blackberry should be provided immediately to Judge Sullivan, for whatever insight it might provide. There’s no reason for the IRS to hold out on that. It should be given to Darrell Issa and Congress also. Nothing required in the production of the emails through the Blackberry could possibly hamper the Inspector General’s investigation.

And what about “ghost” email accounts? The IRS should be able to determine, or Judge Sullivan can, whether any of the officials whose emails are missing used personal accounts or other names for business emails they didn’t want going through the federal system even though they were required to do so.