
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bureau of Meteorology ‘altering climate figures

From Jo Nova: BOM finally explains! Cooling changed to warming trends because stations “might” have moved! - Watts Up With That?

The two provocative articles Lloyd put together last week were Heat is on over weather bureau and Bureau of Meteorology ‘altering climate figures, - Joanne Nova

...This is the power of the press at its best. The absence of articles like these, is why I have said the media IS the problem — as long as the media ignore the BOM failure to supply their full methods and reasons the BOM mostly get away with it. It’s an excellent development The Australian is starting to hold the BOM to account. (No sign of curiosity or investigation at the ABC and Fairfax, who are happy to parrot BOM press releases unquestioned like sacred scripts.)

Heat is on over weather bureau - The Australian
Bureau of Meteorology ‘altering climate figures - The Australian
Scientists abandon science to popularize climate change alarmism - HotAir

The logical contentions have failed, they seem to reason. Rather than examine that critically, they chose to shift tactics from argumentation to shaming and emoting. This is not a tactic which respects its audience as thinking individuals. The public knows an advertising campaign when they see one.