
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

'I wonder who she b**w this time': Katie Couric's bitchy aside after bitter rival Diane Sawyer beat her to land an interview, revealed in tell-all book

Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer were so at war with each other that a rattled Couric once bitched: 'I wonder who she blew this time to get it' when Sawyer beat her to win an interview, a new book claims. - Daily Mail

...The book follows the rise of three respected, but fiercely competitive, newswomen Couric, Sawyer and CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

And a swathe of the book details just how difficult things became between Couric and Sawyer as they competed for stories and interviews.

The Daily Beast quotes Weller's book as saying: 'When a friend of Diane's, a public figure, was being pursued by Katie's people, the wooed eminence got a call from [Diane's movie director husband] Mike Nichols, who said -- in a very nice way, to be sure -- that he and Diane would essentially cut off all social contact if their friend appeared on Today'....

Despite this, a TV source insisted to MailOnline in June: 'This book is riddled with inaccuracies, dates and ratings that are mentioned are not correct. What's sad is that this could have been a fantastic book instead of something that has blatant misogynistic undertones. These women are fascinating, all of them have sides, of course, but all of them have worked extremely hard to get to where they are.'

While another said: 'Katie is taking this on the chin, she's spunky, she's had enough c**p written about her before, but this is really the first time that Diane has been written about in this way, she's not happy.'

An ABC source previously MailOnline: 'these claims are just too ridiculous to even consider.'