
Legal Insurrection (the blog) has moved

The End Of Legal Insurrection’s Beginning - the story of how Legal Insurrection got started.

From time to time we introduce you to the blogs in our sidebar. This seems like a good time to showcase Legal Insurrection, which is moving from Blogger to its own domain. Blog owner, William A. Jacobson is an Associate Clinical Professor at Cornell Law School, and his blog has fast become one of the top go-to blogs in the country.

We recommend you add it to your own blog list, and you can always click in right from our sidebar.

◼ New address:

Can This Presidency Be Saved?

link - Walter Russel Mead/The American Interest
President Obama still has a shot at convincing voters that the GOP would make things worse, but his administration has not just lost control over the direction of the economy. It has lost control of the discussion about the economy.
Walter Russel Mead On Hypothetically Un-jumping A Shark - The Other Mccain

Ron Paul wins RLC straw poll

Ron Paul wins RLC straw poll - Politico
As has become typical at GOP cattle calls, Ron Paul captured the presidential straw poll at the Republican Leadership Conference here, easily besting his nearest competitor, Jon Huntsman.

Paul won 612 votes to Huntsman's 382. Michele Bachmann came in third with 191 votes and Herman Cain finished behind her, taking 104 votes.


Perry Road-Tests A Stump Speech - National Journal link and photo via Drudge
Republican activists have waited all week to see a front-running presidential candidate. When Texas Gov. Rick Perry took the stage Saturday, they may have finally gotten their glimpse.

In a 20-minute address to about 2,000 activists at the Republican Leadership Conference, Perry decried the Obama administration and even Republicans he blamed for "apologizing" while touting his own record with remarks that sounded conspicuously like a stump speech.

"This administration in Washington that's in power now clearly believes that government is not only the answer to every need, but it's the most qualified to make the most central decisions for every American in every area," Perry said. He called Obama's approach to the economy "an affront to every freedom-loving American and a threat to every private sector job in this country."

"I stand before you today as a disciplined, conservative Texan, a committed Republican and a proud American, united with you in the desire to restore our nation and revive the American dream," he said.
Perry: ‘Stand up’ and ‘stop apologizing’ - MSNBC

“Sometimes you can’t defend the indefensible.”

Obama slammed at liberal conference - Washington Times
White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer was heckled and booed Friday at the annual Netroots Nation conference in Minnesota, a gathering of liberal activists from the online political community. When Mr. Pfeiffer reminded the audience that the president championed an equal-pay law, the moderator replied, “Frankly we’re a little sick of hearing about that one.”

Less than 24 hours earlier, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley heard heated complaints from business leaders about burdensome government regulations at a meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers in Washington. As Mr. Daley listened to tales of the administration’s unnecessary interference in industry, he replied, “Sometimes you can’t defend the indefensible.”
Liberal Bloggers: Obama 'Not Our Boyfriend Anymore' - NPR

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fun stuff: The Debbie Reynolds Auction, go ahead and download the FREE pdf catalog

Outfits from Cleopatra, The Seven Year Itch ...item 164 will probably be one to watch... from National Velvet, Elizabeth Taylor's racing attire.

Brown vetoes budget: State Controller's Office says fate of California lawmakers' paychecks uncertain

Gov. Jerry Brown wasted little time Thursday when he vetoed the budget package California legislators presented him less than 24 hours prior. - Times-Standard
Brown said in a statement that the budget -- which lawmakers passed with a simple majority Wednesday and without any Republican support -- was not financially viable and contained “legally questionable maneuvers, costly borrowing and unrealistic savings.”
Brown's "Who's the Boss?" Moment - Fox and Hounds
In vetoing the budget bill, Governor Brown criticized Republicans for stymieing his proposed election to extend temporary taxes. But the real message was delivered to Democratic leadership in the Legislature: "I'm in charge here."

Pressured by a deadline to play-or-not-get-paid, Democratic majorities passed a gimmicky budget, described by the Governor as "not a balanced solution." He further said the budget "continues big deficits for years to come and adds billions of dollars in new debt. It also contains legally questionable maneuvers, costly borrowing and unrealistic savings. Finally, it is not financeable and therefore will not allow us to meet our obligations as they occur."

So he didn't explicitly finger Democrats for this situation, but it is an unavoidable conclusion given the partisan, simple majority character of the final product.
Brown vetoes plan, criticizing 'gimmicks' -
The right veto for the wrong reason - Flash Report
Although Gov. Brown did the right thing in vetoing the horrendous and irresponsible budget passed by legislative Democrats this week, praise must be withheld given the reason for his veto: he wishes to extend the largest state tax increase in U.S. history.
Democratic leaders come out firing against Jerry Brown w/video - Sacramento Bee
Treasurer Bill Lockyer believes Dems' budget not financeable - Sacramento Bee

Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC Out-raising Mitt Romney In Ohio

Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC Out-raising Mitt Romney In Ohio - Time for Choosing
Ohio money flowing to Palin, Romney - Middletown Journal
Sarah Palin has collected $58K in the state while Mitt Romney has received $50K.

Join us for lunch - TODAY - 11:30

General Meeting:
11:30 AM Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 PM
445 Herrick, Eureka
Lunch & Speaker ~ $14.50 Beverage & Speaker ~ $4.00

Follow us on TWITTER @hrwf (
Find us on FACEBOOK - Humboldt Republican Women

California: Democrats pass budget without the support of any Republican representatives

Agree to disagree: Legislators rely on simple majority, put an 'end to the era of late budgets' by beating deadline - Times-Standard
The move marked the first time since 1986 that legislators produced a budget by the June 15 deadline, with the Senate voting 23-15 and the Assembly 51-23 in favor of the main bill AB 98. Both votes were achieved with a simple majority and without the support of any Republican representatives.

Had the constitutional deadline not been met, lawmakers would have forfeited their salary and per diem pay starting immediately, amounting to $48,603.50 a day in savings for the state, according to data from the state controller's office. The docked pay -- in addition to the ability for lawmakers to pass a budget with a simple majority rather than a two-thirds vote -- are the product of last year's voted-approved Proposition 25, which is seen as the primary factor for the package being produced on time...

Unlike Brown's proposal from earlier in the year, the current budget does not seek to reduce California's “wall of debt,” estimated to be $35 billion. Democrats said that had tax extensions been approved in a special election -- something that became impossible after negotiations between both sides fell apart in March -- that figure would have been reduced to $6 billion.

Republicans said the budget package was a “missed opportunity,” and one that destroys job creation and continues the trend of spending more money than we bring in.

”We've been kicking the can down the road for the better part of 50 years. That's why we've gotten into this mess where we are today,” said Sen. Tom Berryhill, R-Stanislaus.

Republican Party Chair Tom Del Beccaro issued a statement following the Senate vote:

”Democrats have demonstrated that they are truly out of touch with the people of California. Instead of making the necessary and popular reforms to California's bureaucracy, the Democrats have chosen to pass a legally suspicious budget to save their own paychecks. It's now up to Jerry Brown to finally keep one of his promises, do the right thing, and say no to the Democrats' gimmicks-based budget solution.”

New Hampshire — ranked #1 in freedom — ranks 50th in the level of education of its legislators. Massachusetts #46, California #48 in freedom

New Hampshire is, by our count, the freest state in the country.... New Hampshire does much better on economic than personal freedom and on fiscal than regulatory policy. - Althouse
How free is your state? - HotAir
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University undertook a study of personal liberty in each of the 50 states, based explicitly on “an individual-rights framework.” First started in 2009, Mercatus has fine-tuned the study to include more policy variables — and that’s bad news for Massachusetts. Thanks to the health-insurance mandate as well as a number of other restrictive measures, the Bay State has fallen to 46th among the states for freedom...
The Bay State ranks near the bottom of a new “Freedom in the 50 States” study, which found the health-care law, gun laws, taxes and a string of other “nanny state” rules on smoking, seat belts, transfats and firecrackers makes Massachusetts one of the least free states in the nation.

New Hampshire, the commonwealth’s “Live Free or Die” rival to the north, ranked first in freedom, in the study by the libertarian Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Massachusetts trailed at 46th.

“The big takeaway is that Massachusetts is not doing well overall in terms of freedom,” said study co-author William Ruger, despite the state’s laissez faire attitude toward gay marriage and pot. “There’s this kind of stereotype or myth that the deep blue states are more economically restrictive but more personally free. But the data doesn’t actually bear that out . . . Liberals tend to want to constrain your freedom in all areas.”
How educated are state legislators? -
Lawmakers Talk About Their Degrees – or the Lack of Them
4 Experts Weigh In
Does a Degree Influence Decision Making?
California Ranks 3rd Worst in Freedom

She’s an avid Miami Heat and Lebron James fan, she roots for the Phillies, and she love-love-loves her marching band. She’s dramatic and boy-crazy and all the things a passionate teenage girl often is. She has the highest highs and lowest lows….that she unfortunately has been tweeting away, with no seeming parental supervision.

Weiner and the Teen -

Timeline and breakdown: "Ethel's" public tweets relating to Weinergate. Lessons to be learned.

To Parents of Teenage Girls: Good grief. Keep an eye on your daughters. Perhaps you’re one of those hip, liberal parents who likes to treat their children like their friends, who’d smoke pot and talk sex with them. If you are, there’s nothing I can say to you. Your daughters are ripe targets for a lot of creeps out there in the world, both online and in person. If you’re not that way and life has just been too busy and you’ve been too distracted, and well, your daughter is quite a handful and it’s exhausting to try to control her behavior and life around the house is easier to just let her do what she wants: stop now. Go read through her entire twitter and facebook history. Make sure you know how she has been presenting herself to the world. If she’s been presenting a bad image, erase it all immediately, everywhere you can find it. And then work with her on learning how to put forth an image of the type of person she wants to be, someone she’ll be proud to have live on long after she’s outgrown today’s crushes and black nail polish and youthful indiscretions.

“She’s very concise. She gives clear orders. Her sentences and punctuations are logical,” said Paul Payack, president of Global Language Monitor. “She has much more of a disciplined mind than she’s given credit for.”

The media haven‘t yet found the smoking gun they’ve been looking for in Sarah Palin’s e-mails. Overall, the messages have been benign, lacking the excitement and scandal some hoped they would contain. That said, at least one outlet has gone a different route, questioning the former vice-presidential candidate’s intelligence through the expertise of writing analysts....

“I’m a centrist Democrat, and would have loved to support my hunch that Ms. Palin is illiterate,” said 2tor Chief Executive Officer John Katzman.
“However, the emails say something else...."

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

ACTION ITEM: Two Sacramento politicians are trying to extend a $350 million utility tax that was originally sold to us as a "temporary" measure in 1996. Their bills, AB 723 and AB 1303, are direct taxes and are now headed to State Senate policy committees after passing in the Assembly.

The good news is that as taxes they require the support of 2/3 of the Legislature, so we can stop them if we can just keep Republican Senators from voting for the bills. Most Republican Senators are on record as having made a commitment to opposing tax hikes and supporting job creation, but we must make ourselves heard to hold them to these promises.
AB 723 and AB 1303 are a bad idea for all of these following reasons:
◼ California's electricity costs are already 50% higher on average than other states.
◼ Costly energy is a main factor killing well-paying blue collar jobs in such fields as manufacturing and driving California's unemployment to record highs.
◼ High electricity rates are a key factor in California's unusually high gas prices. Oil refining is energy intensive and high rates for refiners mean higher gas prices for all of us.
◼ If this tax was ever necessary, it is not anymore. Since this tax was imposed in 1996 as a temporary measure to encourage renewable energy after utility deregulation, many other expensive green energy mandates have been imposed and the utility industry has been re-regulated.
◼ The tax dollars paid into this program have been mismanaged and used for things having nothing to do with energy, including how "global warming" might affect bird distribution.
◼ One new green energy mandate alone is expected to raise energy costs by 30-80%, so your help is crucial to stopping this unnecessary job-killing tax.
Please take the following actions to stop these bills:
SIGN the petition to the California Legislature telling the politicians to vote NO
WRITE letters to the editor to your local newspaper opposing AB 723 and AB 1303. If your letter is published, please email it to me at so I can share it with other activists. (Note: Email addresses for local papers are on our Get Involved! Page above)
TESTIFY at the upcoming hearings on the bill. These bills are scheduled to be heard in Senate policy committees on June 29th and July 5th.
DOWNLOAD the fact sheet and distribute it to your friends and fellow activists.
A $350 million a year energy tax is really the last thing we need in this time of record high unemployment. Some Republicans in the Assembly have already supported these bills, which are identical except for the length of time they extend the tax, so we cannot count on Senate Republicans to stand against these bills unless we make ourselves heard.

Perhaps the Assemblymembers who betrayed their supposed belief in fiscal responsibility and job creation thought nobody would notice. It's time for us to turn up the pressure, so Senate Republicans will be under no illusion that citizens aren't paying attention.

Thank you for your support. Restoring our state to economic prosperity is possible and your activism is key. Can you imagine that a generation ago, electricity was so cheap they thought meters would be obsolete within a decade? The only thing that has driven up costs is government, so it is well within our reach to get our Golden State back!

Sincerely, Eric Eisenhammer - Founder, Coalition of Energy Users

Meet the Republican Party of Fresno County!

Fresno's County's majority party. -
The (Fresno County) Republican Party meets monthly. Meetings are open to all Republican activists, donors, candidates and volunteers....

It’s a common and questionable practice pursued by recent presidents...Fly somewhere to raise money, throw in an official event, and have the taxpayers pick up the dime for some of the travel since a portion of the work is government business. Now, it appears, the first lady is and will be an active participant in this seedy practice, at an extra cost to taxpayers.

Michelle Obama to Hold Four Calif. Fundraisers -
Mrs. Obama will be in California (June 13 and 14), visiting Los Angeles, Pasadena, Oakland and San Francisco. She will hold two official “first lady” events and be the star attraction at FOUR fundraisers.

Whether she would have attended the official events if she wasn’t going to troll for money is anyone’s guess. But what seems likely is the cost of flying Michelle out to the West Coast so she can soak the legions of wealthy Californian Democrats for cash is being mitigated by having the official appearances on the schedule.

The first lady’s office did not respond to a request for information about whether and how much of the trip will be paid for by the government....
Over poached eggs and asparagus
Michelle Obama seeks campaign support
- SF Gate

BREAKING NEWS: Wisconsin "Supreme Court just ruled in favor of the Republicans on Budget Repair."

"Supreme Court just ruled in favor of the Republicans on Budget Repair." - Althouse
Wisconsin Supreme Court Overturns Judge Sumi - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Some key language from the ruling, which overturned Judge Sumi's rulings both procedurally (for interfering in the legislative process) and substantively (there was no violation of the Open Meetings Law) at the link.
Fiscal sanity triumphs: Wisconsin Supreme Court green lights budget/union reform law - Michelle Malkin
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has cleared the way for GOP Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair/union reform law — and rebuked a county judge for interfering in the legislative process.
Supreme Court clears way for collective bargaining law to take effect - Wisconsin State Journal
Breaking: Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstates Walker’s collective bargaining law - HotAir

The story about Margaret Thatcher refusing to meet with Sarah Palin, it turns out, is a HOAX.

This story, it turns out, is a HOAX.

As reported by Nile Gardiner Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
I have spoken to Lady Thatcher’s Private Office regarding the story, and they confirm that the attack on Sarah Palin definitely did not come from her office, and in no way reflects her views. As a former aide to Margaret Thatcher myself, I can attest that this kind of thinking is entirely alien to her, and that such remarks would never be made by her office. She has always warmly welcomed like-minded figures in the United States, and has in the past met with numerous US presidential candidates and political dignitaries when they have visited London. But at the age of 85 she is now able to receive very few visitors at all.

There was never any snub of Sarah Palin by Lady Thatcher’s office. However, there has been a great deal of mischief-making and unpleasantness from sections of the liberal press in a vain and futile attempt to use Margaret Thatcher’s name to smear a major US politician

Margaret Thatcher did not ‘snub’ Sarah Palin: The truth about the Iron Lady and the former Governor of Alaska - Telegraph

Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. He appears frequently on American and British television and radio, including Fox News Channel, CNN, BBC, Sky News, and NPR.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Michele Bachmann is IN!

Michele Bachmann enters presidential race - Houston Chronicle
The first female contender to enter the 2012 race, Bachmann announced her bid during a Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire. The third-term Minnesota congresswoman has been leaning heavily toward a run over the past few months, visiting early primary states, raising money and railing against President Barack Obama.

"We cannot risk giving President Obama four more years to dismantle our nation. We must act now," Bachmann said in a fundraising letter sent within an hour of her entrance. "That's why I've made the decision to get in this race."

She brings high energy, charisma and proven fundraising ability to the race to nominate a Republican challenger to Obama. She also is known for unyielding stances, biting commentary and high-profile gaffes....
Bachmann Announces Presidential Run at Debate - FOX (image source: AP 2011)



Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, businessman Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum will participate in the debate on the campus of St. Anselm College, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. EDT on Monday, June 13.
CNN debate: What to watch for - CNN
CNN hosts the first New Hampshire Republican presidential debate Monday night from Manchester at 8 p.m. ET (5:00 ON THE WEST COAST). Follow all the issues and campaign news about the debate on and @cnnpolitics on Twitter. Watch the debate on CNN TV, and mobile devices. And participate with your questions on the live blog on the CNN Political Ticker.
DICK MORRIS will be posting his play-by-play reactions LIVE during the Republican debate tonight -
"Republican Debate Prep: What to Watch For in New Hampshire." - Althouse (will be live blogging the debate as well, ◼ here)
On the scene in NH: What “they’re” saying about tonight’s GOP debate - HotAir (will have updates throughout)

California Citizens Redistricting Commission releases first draft of new maps; preliminary lines leave Rep. Mike Thompson, Sen. Noreen Evans out of North Coast

If initial redistricting maps released by the California Citizens Redistricting Commission on Friday remain the same over the next two months, longtime North Coast Congressman Mike Thompson could be representing a new district come 2012. - Times Standard

◼ For more information or to view the maps online, visit:
June 10, 2011, Commission Votes 14-0 to Approve 1st Draft District Maps
With four 14-0 votes, the California Citizens Redistricting Commission has released its first round of draft maps for Congressional, State Assembly, State Senate and Board of Equalization districts.

The Commission is now soliciting public comment on the draft districts. Testimony can be submitted online to, by mail to the Citizens Redistricting Commission, 901 P Street, Suite 154-A, Sacramento, CA 95814 or by FAX at 916-651-5711. The Commission will be holding 11 public input hearings in June on the draft maps. The hearing schedule and the draft maps can be found at the Commission’s website at
The MAPS are here.
California Redistricting Assistance Sites - Now Open
The Redistricting Group at Berkeley Law (affiliated with the Statewide Database) has opened six technical assistance sites in the following locations: San Diego, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Fresno, Sacramento and Berkeley. These sites, designed to encourage public participation in the state redistricting process, have computers and redistricting software available for use by the general public, so that individuals and groups may develop map submissions or testimony for the states Citizens Redistricting Commission.
Region: San Francisco Bay Area and North Coast
Location: Berkeley - UC Berkeley Law: 2850 Telegraph Ave, Suite 471 (for mail: Suite 500), Berkeley, CA 94705-7220
Manager: Ms. Tamina Alon,
Site Phone: 510-642-8320
Hours: Wed 3-9pm, Thur 3-9pm, Sat 9am-4pm and by appointment

Region: Sacramento and Northeastern California
Location: Sacramento - Central Library, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 828 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Manager: Ms. Robin Evans,
Site Phone: 916-248-8990
Hours: Wed 2-7:45pm, Thur 2-7:45,pm, Sat 10:30am-4:45pm and by appointment

Region: Central Valley
Location: Fresno - OfficeBay Downtown Fresno, 1713 Tulare St, Suite 130, Fresno, CA 93721
Manager: Mr. Troy Mattson,
Site Phone: 559-272-8130
Hours: Wed 11am-3pm, Thur 11am-3pm, Fri 11am-3pm; appointments available Wed-Fri 3pm-9pm and Sat 9am-2pm
Region: Los Angeles and South Coast
Location: Los Angeles - USC Village Shopping Center, 3167 #F, South Hoover St, Los Angeles, CA 90007
Manager: Mr. Richard Yarnes,
Site Phone: 213-785-8190
Hours: Wed 3-9pm, Thur 3-9pm, Sat 9am-4pm and by appointment

Region: Inland Empire
Location: San Bernardino - Arrowhead Business Park, 475A S. Arrowhead Ave, San Bernardino, CA, 92408
Manager: Mr. John Lavallee,
Site Phone: 909-388-7444
Hours: Wed 3-9pm, Thur 3-9pm, Sat 9am-4pm and by appointment

Region: San Diego and Imperial Counties
Location: San Diego - Diamond District, 588 Euclid Ave. , San Diego, CA 92114
Manager: Mr. Thomas McDowell,
Site Phone: 619-822-1930
Hours: Wed 3-9pm, Thur 3-9pm, Sat 9am-4pm and by appointment
The Redistricting Group has launched its own website that provides educational materials about redistricting in California and information about the Redistricting Assistance Sites, the Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC), and how to participate in the process. Click here
Redistricting CA Pocket Guide

Sarah Palin email frenzy backfires on her media antagonists

The trove of more than 13,000 emails detailing almost every aspect of Sarah Palin’s governorship of Alaska, released late on Friday, paints a picture of her as an idealistic, conscientious, humorous and humane woman slightly bemused by the world of politics. - Telegraph
If anything, Mrs Palin seems likely to emerge from the scrutiny of the 24,000 pages, contained in six boxes and weighing 275 pounds, with her reputation considerably enhanced. As a blogger at Powerline noted, the whole saga might come to be viewed as “an embarrassment for legacy media”.
Make no mistake: MSM's frenzy over Palin emails is misogyny - Femisex
Operation Get Sarah - Michelle Malkin
The Palin emails: the NY Times… - Neoneocon
Behold The Mainstream Media Eating Its Own Anti-Palin Bile - A Running List of Headlines - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
From the comments: The Fish and Game board pushed the wolf-shooting decision onto the governor, seemingly before Palin was elected. She took the hit, when she was in office trying to help the Alaskan people with "the predator problem" suffered by fellow Alaskans. She clearly states that AK state intervention was undesired, especially the helicopter shooting.

Vindicates her. Completely.

Also, that she was concerned with getting the message straight on the issues facing Alaska.

Oh, and she was on top of staffing just after her swearing in, and wanting to ensure the State of the State speech was clear to ensure the Alaskan people knew what was going on.

Also - she wanted her administration to be open, to allow them to speak to the press.

The event, organized by the Democratic National Committee, kicked off an aggressive push by Mr. Obama to win back the allegiance of one of his most vital sources of campaign cash

Obama seeks change from Wall St. Donors - New York Times
Mr. Obama, who enraged many financial industry executives a year and a half ago by labeling them “fat cats” and criticizing their bonuses, followed up the meeting with phone calls to those who could not attend...

Executives at large investment banks, a group that gave generously to Mr. Obama in his last campaign, are remaining on the sidelines for now. Only a small handful of such donors have appeared in Mr. Obama’s joint campaign filings with the Democratic National Committee, though officials there said more would appear in the coming weeks.

Some traditional heavy hitters in Democratic Wall Street fund-raising have stepped out of the game. They include Maureen White and her husband, Steven L. Rattner, a founder of the Quadrangle Group, whose Fifth Avenue living room was a critical conduit between Wall Street and Democratic candidates in the years before Mr. Rattner joined the Obama administration to help restructure the auto industry. The couple did not resume their old role after Mr. Rattner left government, and he was caught up last year in an investigation into kickbacks to New York’s state pension fund....