
Friday, June 17, 2011

Brown vetoes budget: State Controller's Office says fate of California lawmakers' paychecks uncertain

Gov. Jerry Brown wasted little time Thursday when he vetoed the budget package California legislators presented him less than 24 hours prior. - Times-Standard
Brown said in a statement that the budget -- which lawmakers passed with a simple majority Wednesday and without any Republican support -- was not financially viable and contained “legally questionable maneuvers, costly borrowing and unrealistic savings.”
Brown's "Who's the Boss?" Moment - Fox and Hounds
In vetoing the budget bill, Governor Brown criticized Republicans for stymieing his proposed election to extend temporary taxes. But the real message was delivered to Democratic leadership in the Legislature: "I'm in charge here."

Pressured by a deadline to play-or-not-get-paid, Democratic majorities passed a gimmicky budget, described by the Governor as "not a balanced solution." He further said the budget "continues big deficits for years to come and adds billions of dollars in new debt. It also contains legally questionable maneuvers, costly borrowing and unrealistic savings. Finally, it is not financeable and therefore will not allow us to meet our obligations as they occur."

So he didn't explicitly finger Democrats for this situation, but it is an unavoidable conclusion given the partisan, simple majority character of the final product.
Brown vetoes plan, criticizing 'gimmicks' -
The right veto for the wrong reason - Flash Report
Although Gov. Brown did the right thing in vetoing the horrendous and irresponsible budget passed by legislative Democrats this week, praise must be withheld given the reason for his veto: he wishes to extend the largest state tax increase in U.S. history.
Democratic leaders come out firing against Jerry Brown w/video - Sacramento Bee
Treasurer Bill Lockyer believes Dems' budget not financeable - Sacramento Bee