
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rasmussen: Romney, Bachmann, Cain Lead The Pack Among GOP Primary Voters

Rep. Michele Bachmann has surged into second place behind Mitt Romney following Monday’s Republican presidential debate and Bachmann’s entry into the race for the GOP nomination, a new Rasmussen Reports national poll reveals. - Newsmax
“With her impressive New Hampshire debate performance, Bachmann has gone from a conservative Sarah Palin-lite curiosity to a potential game-changer,” Time magazine reported.

“For two hours onstage with her GOP rivals, Bachmann appeared polished, serene and in command,” Time added.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely GOP Primary Voters, taken following the candidates’ Monday night debate, shows Romney earning 33% support, with Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann a surprise second at 19%. Georgia businessman Herman Cain is in third place with 10% of the vote. - Rasmussen