
Saturday, May 21, 2016


The Republican Of The Year Dinner 
is Saturday May 21, 2016, 

We're delighted to honor Republican-Of-The-Year Mike Downey & Volunteer Of The Year Bud Simpson.

Our Guest Speaker is California Republican Party Chairman Jim Brulte.

No Host Cocktail/Bar begins at Five O’Clock
Dinner served at Six O’Clock
Program begins at Seven O’Clock

Please R.S.V.P. by May 19th
Reservations Required
To RSVP or for additional information call: Mary Dowd, (253) 229-3094

You may purchase Tickets using our secure online Piryx server: 

It's YUGE! NRA Endorses Donald Trump for President

GOP out-fundraises Democrats in April

The newest @realDonaldTrump movement — Make Yourself Great Again

Friday, May 20, 2016

Trey Gowdy Endorses Donald Trump

Federal Judge: DOJ Lawyers Intentionally Deceived Court Over Obama's Immigration Actions

NEW: A White House-connected group paid NPR $100K to help push the Iran deal

The Hypocrisy at Huffington Post

Potential cost of California minimum wage? 900,000 (mostly millennial) jobs

"You Know What Makes Student loans expensive? If you don't have a job to pay it off."

No cloth will be able to wipe this information coming out about @HillaryClinton’s email scandal.

Last February, when a federal judge granted Judicial Watch’s motion for discovery on whether the State Department and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deliberately thwarted their Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for six years, we knew it spelled big trouble for Clinton. The conservative watchdog group has now scheduled six Clinton email witnesses for deposition testimony throughout the months of May and June.

The first witness, former State Department official Lewis A. Lukens, was deposed on Wednesday, May 18.

According to Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton, some of the information he provided was "embarrassing" and "not helpful" to Clinton and the State Department.

Camille Paglia:

‘The Mouth Belongs To Clinton, The Voice Belongs To Soros’

Top European leaders have blasted Bill and Hillary Clinton following a war of words about the commitment to democracy of both the Polish and Hungarian governments. One leading figure insisted Mr. Clinton “needs a medical test” following his remarks.
Bill Clinton upset NATO allies in a broadly unreported gaffe accusing Poland and Hungary of thinking “democracy is too much trouble” and wanting to have an “authoritarian dictatorship.” This is despite the fact that Poland recently held elections turfing out the establishment political parties in an election with a higher turnout than Mr. Clinton’s re-election in 1996.

Poland’s newly elected Prime Minister Beata Szydlo called Clinton’s words “unjustified and simply unfair”, adding: “With all due respect, and without using coarse words [Clinton] exaggerated and should apologize to us”.

Mr. Clinton’s remarks came during a Hillary for President campaign rally in New Jersey this week, where he claimed: “They want (Russian President Vladimir) Putin-like leadership. Just give me an authoritarian dictatorship and keep the foreigners out”.

“Sound familiar?” he asked, in a broadside against GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

But in Mr. Clinton’s attempts to use foreign affairs against Mr. Trump, he angered one of NATO’s most important members: Poland, and one of the few countries holding back the tide of migration into Europe: Hungary.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Brown administration’s hollow offer to open child abuse records...the administration seeks to muzzle the information it claims to be releasing

The conditions offered by the administration raise questions about whose interests are being protected. Certainly, the interests of the young victims of abuse don’t seem to be at the forefront of the administration’s thinking.

The GOP might be headed for a landslide victory in November — if voters care most about the economy

The White House says it’s too early to say what caused the crash of #MS804


Airport workers investigated...

U.S. stopped blacklisting domestic terror charities under Obama

Donald Trump Interview With Sean Hannity 5-18-16 (video)

Apocalypse now: Eating cats and dogs to survive - Meltdown in Venezuela causing riots, shortages, murder, chaos

In what’s being called an “apocalypse,” Venezuela is experiencing an economic and social meltdown due to lack of food, medicine, water, electricity and money.

With little recourse, many Venezuelans are turning to crime. Last week a mob of 5,000 looted a supermarket in Maracay, leaving two dead.

...In late April, the Venezuelan Chamber of Food warned producers had only 15 days of inventory.

Venezuela has imposed increasingly desperate measures on its citizens as the nation’s economic crisis has deepened....

The Media Have Unintentionally Destroyed Hillary Clinton: They've destroyed her unintentionally, of course. They did so by shielding her from the sort of character attacks Donald Trump has weathered for decades; they did so by pulling the plug on guests who mentioned her husband's history of sexual peccadillos and sexual-assault allegations

They've destroyed her unintentionally, of course. They did so by shielding her from the sort of character attacks Donald Trump has weathered for decades; they did so by pulling the plug on guests who mentioned her husband's history of sexual peccadillos and sexual-assault allegations; they did so by dismissing any critiques of her handling of the Benghazi mess as "sexist"; they did so by talking up Clinton as the inevitable First Female President.

The media had no choice but to do this because Clinton is a terrible candidate. She's off-putting and unlikeable, programmatic and lacking improvisational ability. To protect the ruler, the Roman Praetorian Guard had to form a phalanx. The media did so for Clinton for decades....

Take, for example, Trump's latest line of attack on Clinton. She trotted out the usual "war on women" routine to attack Trump. His response: "Amazing that Crooked Hillary can do a hit ad on me concerning women when her husband was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history." This is both accurate and on point. In the past, those who have repeated the same talking point on CNN have been cut off, a la Kurt Schlichter. But Trump has around 8.26 million Twitter followers and an unending torrent of media coverage, so Clinton will now have to answer. And her usual answer -- talking down to Americans and tut-tutting away accusations -- won't cut it. Not when she has an attack dog like Trump on her tail.

Juanita Broaddrick describes her one-on-one encounter with Hillary Clinton after her rape

In NYC, you can be fined $250,000 for not using ‘preferred gender pronouns’

For those who wish to avoid “civil penalties up to $125,000 for violations, and up to $250,000 for violations that are the result of willful, wanton, or malicious conduct,” the New York City Commissions on Human Rights has some guidance on obeying the New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL):
Covered entities may avoid violations of the NYCHRL by creating a policy of asking everyone what their preferred gender pronoun is so that no individual is singled out for such questions and by updating their systems to allow all individuals to self-identify their names and genders. They should not limit the options for identification to male and female only.
The passage is one example of many ways for residents to avoid violations outlined by the city.
It’s important that the law claims “refusal to use a transgender employee’s preferred name, pronoun, or title may constitute unlawful gender-based harassment” because, as Volokh explains, an employer would have to fire employees or eject patrons who do not use preferred pronouns.

"One seeming irony is that for an election that data journalism is accused of having gotten wrong, Trump led in the polls all along"

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Trump unveils list of 11 potential Supreme Court nominees

Leaked audio: Hillary says SCOTUS wrong on 2nd Amendment - promises to fight for gun bans

Top Democrat: Donald Trump will lose women because more women are "ugly" than "attractive"

Imagine if Hillary Clinton would have added Boko Haram to terror list. 276 #ChibokGirls may never have been taken


Time to vote by mail in the CA GOP primary.

Obama adviser snubs hearing on Iran deal - White House cites executive privilege, senators seek firing

Iranian officials accuse Kim Kardashian of being a secret agent out to corrupt Iranian women

No, #CommonCore hasn't been shown to work. Newest Test Scores are Bad News for Centralized Education, Common Core

...Not only has there been no meaningful evidence of the Core’s effectiveness, but right after I read Holtz-Eakins’ piece I saw that the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress scores had come out – indeed, for the very 12th grade students on the verge of college – and they had dropped in both reading and math between 2013 and 2015, and some dropped going back to 2009. This was, of course, as Common Core was being implemented nationwide. And not only did aggregate scores drop, but also scores for numerous racial and ethnic groups....

Among Republicans: Whom Did you trust more to lead the GOP: Trump 58% Ryan 39%

This is an explosive charge, a hair’s breadth away from calling the highest law enforcement officials liars

California lifts mandatory water restrictions

Kentucky: Hillary lost nearly 250,000 votes since her win in 2008. This must have Democrats nervous.

"He was very gracious...was very kind...He was a gentleman" Yet another woman in the NY Times hit piece on Donald Trump says The Times is Lying

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Election Night – Kentucky (D) and Oregon (R and D)…

J.K. Rowling attacks safe spaces and defends Donald Trump's freedom of speech

Media Ignoring a MAJOR Part of the Facebook Scandal (updated)

The liberal media are all over one part of the Facebook scandal story - and ignoring another. Generally, media have covered the accusations that the social media site is censoring conservative news and sources from their trending news feed. Coincidentally, this is also the part of the Facebook story affecting the media.

Potentially a bigger scandal (because it affects more people) is the accusation that Facebook censors individual member pages, blogs, smaller media outlets, and discussion groups reflecting a conservative point of view. Sometimes, the sites are shut down, sometimes they are simply threatened into silence.

Megan Kelly's highly-anticipated one-on-one w/Donald Trump airs TONIGHT on the FOX Broadcast Network at 5p PT.

Obama’s Pajama Boy Menagerie

BuzzFeed Busted for Hoax Trump Story

Yesterday, BuzzFeed reported that a freelance correspondent for the Spanish-language channel TV Azteca was booted from the Trump Tower in New York after he was overheard speaking Spanish on his phone. However, a modicum of fact checking by CNN proved the story false.


Bigger than Watergate, Bigger than Iran-Contra. 10 times bigger than both...

Mimi Walters: endorsed conservative candidate for Congress by @CAGOP @OCGOP

Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse

ORGY ISLAND: Morning Joe Panel: Clinton bonnection w billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein will ‘blow up’ campaign

...“Here’s the tennis game,” Deutsch said. “Donald Trump kissed a woman in a bathing suit. Trump hits back: Tell me about the president’s relationship with a guy named Jeffrey Epstein. That’s your tennis match.”

Deutsch explained to host Joe Scarborough Epstein’s sordid past, adding “no one wants to talk about it, but that’s the fact.”

“I will say this was a blind spot for me, because I’m not in New York circles,” Scarborough said. “This is something I have been hearing about for a year-and-a half. I don’t know the whole story or anything, but I keep having reporters say, ‘This is going to blow up.’”

Columnist Mike Barnicle said the race was going to get “incredibly ugly,” and former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt said he had no doubt Trump was going to “go there.”

“When Hillary Clinton out there yesterday is talking about I’m going to put my husband in charge of reviving the economy in Kentucky for the coal miners, he’s very much going to be a part of the campaign, and the Donald Trump campaign’s going to do everything to make him an issue in the campaign,” Schmidt said.

Scarborough asked again if the Epstein story was the “bombshell” reporters told him it might be.

“In some of the cases, the facts will be uncomfortable for the Clintons,” panelist Mark Halperin said. “The Clinton folks understand now better than they did before that this is a different kind of opponent, and they’ve never run against anybody like this before … She has to stand up herself against a guy with better skills.”...

JUDICIAL WATCH seeks Hillary testimony on email case

AARP slams Obamacare medical history disclosure rules

AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond said the rules amounted to allowing financial coercion.

Monday, May 16, 2016

IRAN: Obama Admin Told Us Keep Missile Tests Secret...

INTERCEPT Releases Snowden NSA Archive Material...

Union wants to cut ties with Tom Steyer

Labor unions want to cut all ties with billionaire Tom Steyer, creating a split in labor that could spell trouble for the climate activist's push to undermine presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

The unions are responding to the creation of a political super PAC that Steyer announced last week with the AFL-CIO labor federation to defeat Trump in the run-up to the general election in November.

In a letter sent Monday to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, a contingent of individual unions explained why aligning with Steyer harms their core mission and should be ended immediately.

"We write to you today in order to clear up any ambiguity about our involvement and directly inform you that we will not participate with this new super PAC in any manner," the letter reads. "Compromising our core mission as trade unionists sworn to advocate for the economic well being of our membership as a tradeoff for a perceived short-term political gain is utterly disappointing and cannot be supported by the undersigned organizations."

"Furthermore, we respectfully request that the AFL-CIO cut ties with Mr. Steyer and his political operation as we do not want any of our members' financial support for the federation to be used against them and their economic well being in pursuit of this endeavor," the letter reads, signed by the heads of eight of the largest building trade unions in the nation.

...Steyer fought vigorously to defeat the Keystone XL Pipeline project, which many unions supported as a job-creator.

"The stated rationale for this fund as published in press reports does nothing to assuage concerns that the AFL-CIO has now officially become infiltrated by financial and political interests that work in direct conflict to many of our members' — and yes, AFL-CIO dues paying members' lives," the letter says.

"This is a disturbing development and one that requires a further explanation."

Why the idea the GOP is collapsing is totally wrong

Donald Trump Can Easily Win in November

There are plenty of good reasons to believe that Trump will defeat the former secretary of state.

Before we list them, please bear in mind something no one talks about: what an amazing candidate Trump has proven to be. Not only does Trump have no political experience, this is his first run for president, or for any elected office. For a novice to win a major party nomination on his time out, spending hardly any of his own money, is a triumph, a trifecta without historical precedent. (True, there was Eisenhower. But Ike was the supreme commander of Allied forces during World War II, and president of Columbia University. Those were essentially political positions.) With Trump, we are in uncharted territory. The man is a beast.

Now for the factors that run counter to the widely accepted Hillary-is-a-shoo-in narrative.

First, Hillary is a weak candidate....

When you vote, why not follow HJTA-PAC's recommendations and support candidates who will defend Prop. 13 and oppose new taxes? And share these recommendations with your friends so they can be informed too!

Average taxpayers in California are probably aware that the state budget was in the news again over the weekend. But even folks who follow both Presidential politics and local issues probably couldn’t be blamed if they tune out stories about the California budget. It’s not that they don’t care. It’s just that public finance issues can be horribly confusing and difficult to follow.

In terms of timing, the process itself is easy to grasp. The annual budget year runs from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. That’s why people refer to a single budget using two years. For example, the budget currently being discussed is the 2016-2017 budget. The Constitution requires that the Governor present a budget in January and that the Legislature enact the budget by June 15th. Because state bean counters and analysts don’t have a full grasp of the economy or revenue projections in January, the Governor’s budget goes through an update, or “revision,” in May. It was this May “revise” that the Governor presented on Friday that has been in the latest news cycle.

But perhaps the most confusing aspect of the state budget is the fact that many of the numbers that are bandied about are inconsistent. Thus, an average citizen might hear on the radio that the state budget is $122 billion dollars. And yet, when they get home, they read that spending is actually $173 billion. At this point they are more apt to turn on the Giants v. Dodgers game rather than make sense of the huge disparity....

Supreme Court rules in favor of religious employers objecting to Obamacare contraception insurance coverage compromise

"Sorry, we don't take Obamacare"

Get ready for more Obamacare premium spikes


Clinton controversies drag on: Bill Clinton flew on sex offender jet much more than previously known

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Federal, state lawmakers move to curb police use of cellphone trackers

Hidden microphones that are part of a clandestine government surveillance program that has been operating around the Bay Area has been exposed.

Imagine standing at a bus stop, talking to your friend and having your conversation recorded without you knowing. It happens all the time, and the FBI doesn’t even need a warrant to do it.

Federal agents are planting microphones to secretly record conversations.

(Democrats making crime legal.) California ballot measure blamed for shoplifting jump

Perry Lutz says his struggle to survive as a small businessman became a lot harder after California voters reduced theft penalties 1½ years ago.

About a half-dozen times this year, shoplifters have stolen expensive drones or another of the remote-controlled toys he sells in HobbyTown USA, a small shop in Rocklin, northeast of Sacramento. "It's just pretty much open season," Lutz said. "They'll pick the $800 unit and just grab it and run out the door."

Anything below $950 keeps the crime a misdemeanor — and likely means the thieves face no pursuit and no punishment, say retailers and law enforcement officials. Large retailers including Safeway, Target, Rite Aid and CVS pharmacies say shoplifting increased at least 15 percent, and in some cases, doubled since voters approved Proposition 47 and ended the possibility of charging shoplifting as a felony with the potential for a prison sentence.

Shoplifting reports to the Los Angeles Police Department jumped by a quarter in the first year, according to statistics the department compiled for The Associated Press. The ballot measure also lowered penalties for forgery, fraud, petty theft and drug possession.

Public Policy Institute of California researcher Magnus Lofstrom noted a troubling increase in property crime inCalifornia's largest cities in the first half-year after Proposition 47 took effect. Preliminary FBI crime reports show a 12 percent jump in larceny-theft, which includes shoplifting, but he said it is too early to determine what, if any, increase is due to the ballot measure.

Justice Clarence Thomas delivers inspiring message to new graduates and honors justice Scalia

Georgia poll: Trump beats Clinton in general election matchup

WATCH: Nevada Dem convention descends into chaos

Read the stories of everyday Americans badgered and harassed by their own government

Sunday Funnies