
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

ORGY ISLAND: Morning Joe Panel: Clinton bonnection w billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein will ‘blow up’ campaign

...“Here’s the tennis game,” Deutsch said. “Donald Trump kissed a woman in a bathing suit. Trump hits back: Tell me about the president’s relationship with a guy named Jeffrey Epstein. That’s your tennis match.”

Deutsch explained to host Joe Scarborough Epstein’s sordid past, adding “no one wants to talk about it, but that’s the fact.”

“I will say this was a blind spot for me, because I’m not in New York circles,” Scarborough said. “This is something I have been hearing about for a year-and-a half. I don’t know the whole story or anything, but I keep having reporters say, ‘This is going to blow up.’”

Columnist Mike Barnicle said the race was going to get “incredibly ugly,” and former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt said he had no doubt Trump was going to “go there.”

“When Hillary Clinton out there yesterday is talking about I’m going to put my husband in charge of reviving the economy in Kentucky for the coal miners, he’s very much going to be a part of the campaign, and the Donald Trump campaign’s going to do everything to make him an issue in the campaign,” Schmidt said.

Scarborough asked again if the Epstein story was the “bombshell” reporters told him it might be.

“In some of the cases, the facts will be uncomfortable for the Clintons,” panelist Mark Halperin said. “The Clinton folks understand now better than they did before that this is a different kind of opponent, and they’ve never run against anybody like this before … She has to stand up herself against a guy with better skills.”...