
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tonight's GOP Debate

Happy Birthday President Ronald #Reagan.

Former DNC Chairman Howard Dean: Labor Unions Are ‘Super PACs That Democrats Like’

Friday, February 5, 2016

Rubio: Being president is not like developing real estate

NH polling average:

Border Patrol Leader: We Will Be Terminated If We Enforce The Law

Don't get fooled by the "Lifting Children and Families Out of Poverty" proposition campaign. It is a lie to destroy #prop13

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The HEAD of Goldman Sachs' LOBBYING OFFICE has maxxed out to Hillary Clinton this election

ABC reveals Saturday's #GOPDebate Lineup

As if gas prices aren't already high enough, a proposed Federal tax increase would raise prices 24 cents a gallon.

The New York Times Editorial Board, which mocked Romney in 2012 for warning about Russia, has changed its tune

NEW VIDEO exposes Planned Parenthood Director ADMITTING to hiding baby parts sales via accounting gimmicks

Why is WH pre-judging an ongoing #FBI probe into @HillaryClinton's actions? Other than to influence?

The municipal government in the Swedish town where an asylum centre worker was stabbed to death refuses to allow a memorial at the centre for fear of offending migrants.

The story of the murder has resonated across Sweden and with the Swedish people. Inspired to take action because of the events, Swedish men joined together to form groups to protect women in Stockholm train station from unwanted sexual advances from migrants.

Some, like commentator Pamela Geller, are even saying the incident could be the beginning of the end of Swedish tolerance and that a potential “civil war” could ensue.

The story also revealed to Swedes how they might not be even getting the full story on the case as Breitbart revealed the Daily Mail was blocking details of the story to Swedish internet users in what some allege to be interference from Stockholm.

What’s a “Ground Game” and Why Doesn’t Donald Trump Have One?

Rubio has the real momentum nationally- up 8 points and his favorability has gone from 49/34 up to 64/21

Drone footage of Homs in Syria shows utter devastation

German Mayor Tells 10-Year Olds to Stop 'Provoking' Raping Refugees, Town erupts in outrage

Subpoenaed Documents Reveal Obama Admin Kept Congress in Dark Over Debt Ceiling Plans

When they expire, it’s a chance to reconsider an agency’s mission, modernize it and impose some accountability on what could otherwise become multi-billion-dollar zombie government programs

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have not been reauthorized by Congress since 2009. The State Department hasn’t been reauthorized since 2003. For the Federal Trade Commission and National Weather Service, it’s 1998 and 1993, respectively. The Federal Election Commission has been operating with an expired authorization since way back in 1981.

Meet your unauthorized government.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

New YorkTimes: Why Cuz/Rubio not historic "Neither Mr. Cruz nor Mr. Rubio meets conventional expectations of how Latino pols are supposed to behave"

Rick Santorum suspends campaign for president, endorses @marcorubio

California on the hook for $74 Billion in health care costs for retirees

Will California GOP take advantage of opportunity Trump's candidacy presents?

'We've got 42 languages being fielded by our 9-1-1 call centers'...

More than 120 people braved the snow and ice Monday to rally in front of the Missoula County Courthouse, protesting an effort by the Obama administration and its army of community organizers to plant foreign “refugees” into small cities in western Montana.

One of the speakers was a woman who moved recently to Montana from Amarillo, Texas, which has been inundated with thousands of refugees over the past 15 years.

“Amarillo is overrun with refugees,” said Karen Sherman, who stood and spoke to the crowd amid blowing wind and falling snowflakes. Sherman just moved to Missoula, a college town that serves as home to the University of Montana....

“Our city is failing because of the refugees. We have 22 different languages spoken in our schools. We’ve got 42 languages being fielded by our 9-1-1 call centers, and crime is just through the roof. We need to exercise caution, especially for the sake of our children,” she said.

It’s Time To Build A National Consensus On Immigration Around National Security

The US Mosque Obama Has Chosen For His First Presidential Visit Has Deep Extremist Ties

Lefty Big Govt mandated "progress" fails miserably...AGAIN

Kerry sent "secret" email to Clinton from personal account

Rand Paul ends 2016 presidential campaign

California extends mandatory water cuts despite growing snowpack

Latest NH Poll

Cruz looks past New Hampshire to South Carolina

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Blue Cross projects $400M loss in NC on ACA in just 2 years

It was CNN, not Ted Cruz: CNN leaked story that Ben Carson was dropping out

Ted Cruz wins the 2016 Republican #IowaCaucus


MICROSOFT App used to tally votes falls short...

The race is officially on. What's next in primaries and caucuses?

Happy Groundhog Day: Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil sees no shadow, predicts early spring

How women in Iowa voted

Iowa women made up a little more than half of the caucus-goers Monday night, and their votes may come as a surprise to some.

Significantly more women than men voted in the Democratic caucus (57 percent to 43 percent, the same breakdown as in 2008), while the sexes voted pretty evenly in the Republican caucus (48 percent women to 52 percent men), according to CBS News. It's interesting to note that Republicans closed the gender gap somewhat this time around. In 2012 the Iowa caucuses were 57 percent men and only 43 percent women.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz won the female vote for the Republican party, with 27 percent. Yet despite media focus on Donald Trump's alleged sexism, 24 percent of women voted for the business mogul. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio came in third, with 21 percent, with former neurosurgeon Ben Carson trailing in fourth with 11 percent.

Men also preferred Cruz, with 29 percent of the vote. Men broke evenly for Trump and Rubio at 25 percent each. Carson came in fourth again with 8 percent. Carson, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina were the only GOP candidates who received more votes from women than from men.

Hillary Clinton's ticking time bomb

Huckabee suspending his presidential campaign

Monday, February 1, 2016

N.H. Republicans react to Iowa results

Trump concedes graciously after 2nd place win in Iowa

Rubio in a strong third place finish

Meanwhile over on the Dem side, a socialist and a woman who may be indicted battle it out


"Obama let us down"

Clinton Scandal: Hillary Used A Team To Help Her Hide Emails