
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How women in Iowa voted

Iowa women made up a little more than half of the caucus-goers Monday night, and their votes may come as a surprise to some.

Significantly more women than men voted in the Democratic caucus (57 percent to 43 percent, the same breakdown as in 2008), while the sexes voted pretty evenly in the Republican caucus (48 percent women to 52 percent men), according to CBS News. It's interesting to note that Republicans closed the gender gap somewhat this time around. In 2012 the Iowa caucuses were 57 percent men and only 43 percent women.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz won the female vote for the Republican party, with 27 percent. Yet despite media focus on Donald Trump's alleged sexism, 24 percent of women voted for the business mogul. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio came in third, with 21 percent, with former neurosurgeon Ben Carson trailing in fourth with 11 percent.

Men also preferred Cruz, with 29 percent of the vote. Men broke evenly for Trump and Rubio at 25 percent each. Carson came in fourth again with 8 percent. Carson, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina were the only GOP candidates who received more votes from women than from men.