
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Since when is telling the truth and exposing lies considered an underhanded, devious practice? That shows you how damn corrupt and twisted our political system has become. But if you turn on any of the networks they are beating the propaganda drum against Russia. This is downright dangerous

The lies about Russia are coming hot and heavy. The Clinton campaign insists that the leaks, which are coming from Julian Assange’s organization and not Russia, are the work of Vladimir Putin. Ok. Let’s see the proof. It should be very easy for the NSA to show the origins of these hacks. But that is not going to happen because the hacks are not part of a Russian Government effort to “interfere” in our election.

Since when is telling the truth and exposing lies considered an underhanded, devious practice? That shows you how damn corrupt and twisted our political system has become. But if you turn on any of the networks they are beating the propaganda drum against Russia. This is downright dangerous. A largely ignorant American electorate being fed lie after lie by a pliant media eager to serve a political establishment that is panicked over the possibility that Hillary could lose and Trump win.