
Saturday, September 24, 2016

"One thing is for sure: the last thing California needs is more taxes!! Just say 'No' to them!!"

Successful Californians must pay over 50% of their income at the top marginal rates in state and federal income taxes. That’s right – Obama’s tax hike created a 39% top Federal income tax bracket, and combined with California’s top of the nation 13% plus, our state’s most successful citizens aren’t working for themselves anymore, they are working for the government when they hit the top brackets.

But the “California Tax Hike Industry” isn’t satisfied. In the upcoming election, they want even more taxes. They want to keep California’s sales and income taxes the highest in the nation by urging voters to vote “Yes” on Proposition 55. They want even more “consumption” taxes on cigarettes by urging a “Yes” vote on Proposition 56. And more sinisterly, the California Tax Hike Industry has qualified about 200 local measures that ask voters to raise their property taxes (“for the kids”taxes but really for the California Teachers Association who already benefit from high wages and great pension plans), raise and extend sales taxes (claiming the funds will fix roads, roads that should have been fixed in the first place but for overpaying civil servants and overly generous pensions), raise hotel taxes, raise parcel taxes, you name it, the professional tax raisers are really at it in this election.

Californians must simply say “No” to all these taxes!