
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Part of her problem is generational, with Albright, at age 78, and Steinem, 81, stuck in a time warp while many young women say they are free to support Sanders for the same reason men do: They find him more authentic, and her less honest.

Over years, New Hampshire earned its reputation for upending conventional wisdom, but the 2016 campaign is also leaving another legacy. When Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem tried to shame and bully young women into supporting Hillary Clinton, they inadvertently revealed a dirty secret of the left’s fixation on gender, race and ethnicity.

They demonstrated that hiding behind the gauzy appeals to make history is a willingness to use brass knuckles to achieve conformity. In their warped vision, biology trumps individuality, and those who don’t agree are traitors to their gender....

The bullying smears are backfiring, but before the incidents give way to new outrages borne of Clinton Entitlement Syndrome, some context is useful.

For one thing, neither Albright nor Steinem was thinking of Carly Fiorina or any female candidate other than Clinton when they insisted on conformity. So their demands amount to a selective use of gender as a partisan club, which ghettoizes female voters.

For another, Hillary’s enforcers are not alone in dipping into the gutter, with smears also leveled at Republican candidates who don’t fit a racial mold.

Some liberals have called Dr. Ben Carson, a distinguished surgeon running for president, an “Uncle Tom” for being a conservative, as if all black Americans must think and vote the same way.

Cuban-American senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are routinely accused of running from their Latin roots because they are Republicans who oppose illegal immigration. Again, the suffocating implication is that being an authentic Latino means being a liberal Democrat supporting open borders.

The pattern is not new, yet it is new that it no longer works. The 2016 race is turning politics upside down, and Albright and Steinem are among the establishment gatekeepers whose power is ebbing. Acting like bitter reactionaries, they resort to intimidation.