
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Democrats Decry Income Inequality That Their Own Policies Make Worse

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and leftists in general love to talk about income inequality. What they don't want to talk about is how their own tax-and-spend prescriptions are largely to blame.

At this week's Republican debate, Rand Paul said something that should have caught those paying attention by surprise. When asked about rising income inequality, he said:

"I think that we ought to look where income inequality seems to be the worst. It seems to be worst in cities run by Democrats, states run by Democrats and countries currently run by Democrats. .. . The bottom line is: If you want less income inequality, move to a city with a Republican mayor or a state with a Republican governor."

It's the sort of statement that normally would have elicited a barrage of attacks from the press of the "can you believe what he just said" variety.
But it turns out that Sen. Paul was right, and even the mainstream media are grudgingly acknowledging it....