
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

She would deny tax-exempt status to those who dissent from the Left’s views

She also made belittling remarks about religious liberty, particularly in the context of Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis and Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). This is particularly ironic, since it was Hillary’s husband, Bill Clinton, who signed a federal RFRA into law back in the 1990s, when gay rights weren’t as fashionable as they are today. What’s more, candidate Clinton’s rhetoric went to great lengths to paint anyone who disagrees with the morality of the LGBT worldview as being beneath the threshold of respect. She read the very worst into her opponents’ views, making it impossible for reasoned debate to occur. The pitched, glossed-over caricatures of religious liberty elicited by Clinton are unbecoming for someone of her stature, and furthermore, they devalue by way of cynicism a bedrock value at the heart of our Constitution.

If you’ve paid attention to the national conversation on religious liberty of late, these assaults on constitutional principles like religious liberty and settled public policy like RFRA don’t come as a shock. They are, sadly, representative of the vaporizing effects of those who, to quote Justice Alito in his dissent in Obergefell, desire to “stamp out every vestige of dissent.” They also, however, offer a crystal-ball view into the future of religious liberty should Clinton win the presidency.