
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

OUCH! Jim Webb drops pres bid; What did he REALLY say to Dems? (Truth hurts, libs)

"I fully accept that my views on many issues are not compatible with the power structure and the nominating base of the Democratic Party," Webb told reporters at the National Press Club in Washington. The current Democratic hierarchy, he said, "is not comfortable with many of the policies laid forth, and frankly I am not that comfortable with many of theirs."

..."The Democratic Party is heavily invested in interest-group politics," he said, and that could exclude groups it means to include...

That one photo says it all. THAT is what you want, Democrats? Apparently, yes. Here’s more from National Review:

The Thursday night debate conclusion: America now has an openly socialist party. This morning, a new poll confirms it: Socialism remains less popular than capitalism in the United States: only 25% of adults have a favorable opinion of it, while 48% view capitalism positively. Among Democrats, however, the balance is flipped, with 49% favorable to socialism compared to 37% for capitalism. Which party is extreme again? Which party is out of touch with the rest of the country?

Ding, ding, ding! Tell us again that WE are the wing nutty wing nuts with wings, Dems.