
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Obamacare 2016: ‘Savings’ hype masks higher deductibles, fines

The White House political hype machine kicked into high gear this week as 2016’s ACA (Obamacare) plans, prices and fine print for the 38 states now in the federal exchange became available for current and potential enrollees.

The administration is again hawking its costly income redistribution and health rationing plan as the greatest thing to happen to America since sliced bread, but the average American lucky enough to have a decent job already knows better. Cheaper prices for some policies are indeed showing up here and there.

But those subsidized prices are largely courtesy of America’s dwindling middle-class, the taxpayers who are footing much of this federal giveaway, along with the 30 percent of Medicare recipients who’ll be hit with as much as a 52 percent premium increase next year....

Not only will many working Americans find that their premiums are increasing significantly, they’ll also discover that funny little Obamacare feature that Democrats and the media absolutely don’t want to talk about: skyrocketing deductibles. It’s that little catch that will get you if you or your family happen to run into a medical condition that requires something more than routine care.

Until you meet your annual individual and/or family deductible, you’ll be eviscerating your savings accounts (for those who have them) to pick up the difference, and that can be a painful proposition indeed.

As a result, many Obamacare enrollees are being forced, in effect, to ration their own healthcare to avoid getting gouged by those unpublicized and very high deductibles....