
Thursday, October 15, 2015

BOMBSHELL: Stunning truth about Iran’s vote on nuke deal

If this is correct, it seems the American people have been fed a wholesale lie by the Obama administration and everyone in the mainstream media, because apparently, the Iranian parliament NEVER voted to approve the Obama Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). And all the while Iran still holds four Americans hostage and released a video yesterday of an underground facility where long-range missiles are stored.

This is a SHAM.

As Breitbart reports, “The Iranian parliament has rejected the formal, legal text of President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal, negotiated in July by the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Russia, China and the Tehran regime.

Instead, the majilis approved their own version of the JCPOA, creating a situation where the Iranian government simply hasn’t signed on to the accord that Obama and Democratic Senators obligated the United States to uphold.