
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

JUDGE TRUMP: Meet the Donald's sister...

...Although she did not start law school until after her son was in sixth grade, Ms. Barry has had a four-decade career as a prosecutor and federal judge, achieving a measure of celebrity independent of her brother. (“This is not the Trump Princess,” The Chicago Sun-Times wrote in 1989.) Some friends say they did not even know she was part of the famous family.

“There was a story in Time magazine or something, and a couple of the other lawyers come in and go, ‘Did you know Maryanne is a Trump?’ ” said Donald J. Volkert Jr., a former New Jersey Superior Court judge who became a close friend of Ms. Barry’s. “And I said, ‘What’s a trump?’ ”

Ms. Barry earned a reputation as a tough judge with a strong command of her courtroom. In 1989, as a district court judge in Essex County, N.J., she blocked a plea deal that would have freed two county detectives accused of protecting a drug dealer. She forced the case to trial, where the detectives were convicted and received 12- and 15-year jail terms. She presided over the conviction of Louis (Bobby) Manna, the Genovese crime family boss accused of trying to assassinate a rival, John Gotti. And in 1996, she chastised federal prosecutors for trying to deport a former deputy attorney general of Mexico, calling their efforts politically motivated, unconstitutional and “Kafkaesque.”...