
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Which major paper just called San Francisco's sanctuary law 'a disgrace'

The Washington Post editorial board on Friday slammed San Francisco for its policies that allow illegal immigrants with criminal records to reside within the city with almost no fear of deportation.

San Francisco fell under renewed scrutiny recently when an illegal immigrant with an extensive rap sheet allegedly shot and killed 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle. Before the killing, federal immigration authorities had reportedly asked the city to inform them when the accused perpetrator, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, was released from jail, where he had been booked on drug charges.

"Had the sheriff's office — which could easily have seen Mr. Lopez-Sanchez's extensive rap sheet — simply made a phone call to notify ICE of his scheduled release, he could have been handed over and deported," wrote the Post. "And Ms. Steinle would be alive."