
Monday, April 6, 2015

Noah’s Arc: The New Daily Show Host Has Unlikley Defenders

Stewart and Colbert are gone and the progressive news entertainment elites are desperate for a hero going into 2016 that can sell an old grandmother to young millenials. Unfortunately for Noah, the same audiences he will attempt to cater to won’t hesitate to make anyone and everyone their next target. Even him. - The Wilderness

None of the sites where Noah’s tweets were embedded for public pillorying are exactly known as political bastions of the American Right. We don’t police thought-crime, organize protests, smash windows or demand these people be fired. We change the channel.

...Comedy Central released a statement yesterday standing behind their new host which shouldn’t really be surprising coming from the network that has those print ready after every new episode of South Park. It was too late. Noah himself spoke out in an attempt to capitulate the mob. This is the official death of Stewart’s Daily Show. The second any comedian apologizes for their jokes, it’s over....

Under Noah, The Daily Show will turn into ever-more-blatant, thinly disguised propaganda, shoveled joylessly out into the gaping maws of the activist millennial masses. The one audience that Noah plans to target the most in the next coming 3 to 4 years including the next election are the ones that are most apt to defend him and his freedom of expression on Twitter and social media. The problem is entertainers like Noah will never understand this until it’s too late....

Noah will still carry on Stewart’s traditions of swiveling around in his chair over what a GOP intern in the Secretary of State’s office in whatever red state said (more likely now especially if that intern is Jewish). But the culture of micro-aggression doesn’t come from making jokes at the expense of Conservatives. Brendan Eich didn’t resign at Firefox because of a conservative mob. Conservatives didn’t make an astrophysicist cry over a shirt. Conservatives don’t have Patton Oswalt in their cross-hairs. Conservatives didn’t care about Jaime Foxx’s Bruce Jenner joke. Conservatives didn’t make Steve Martin apologize for an off color (pun intended) joke. Stephen Colbert made millions ridiculing conservative Fox News culture and became a pop culture icon waiving his finger in George Bush’s face at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, but it took a far left activist named Suey Park to call for the termination of his show. That’s the line. American Conservatives can handle it. We’ve been taking it on the chin ever since George Carlin paced frenetically on a stage screaming about Ronald Reagan, and we laughed right along with him. Meanwhile every reporter for or Salon will watch every episode of Trevor Noah’s Daily Show with baited breath and puckered asshole hoping that he doesn’t stray too far from the narrative they expect from him and by all appearances, he won’t.

He is to only destroy the things they deem appropriate to destroy.