
Monday, April 6, 2015


Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) said he has strong bipartisan support and is close to the 67 senator needed to override President Barack Obama’s veto on his bill that gives Congress the chance to approve the nuclear deal with Iran. - Pam Key/Breitbart

Corker said, “On behalf of the American people Congress needs the to be playing a role.”

When Barack Obama told us on dozens of occasions that we could keep our previous health plan and doctor under the Affordable Care Act, he was doing it for one of two reasons. Either he was ignorant of his own legislation (unlikely) or he was deliberately lying to get it passed. He knew best what was good for us and if he had to prevaricate, so be it.

The so-called framework agreement on Iranian nuclear activities is almost exactly the same. Obama again believes it is best for us, but if we are to believe Amir Taheri (and I do), this “agreement” (that the Iranians are calling merely a press release) is understood completely differently by both parties. We have been told another series of lies in order to get something passed — or in this case not to oppose it.

Only there is one huge difference. Obamacare is reversible. Nuclear armageddon is not.