
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Barack Obama: What the heck is wrong with you?

At this morning's National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama talked about people using Islam to justify violence -- and said that Christians had done the same. - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard
Obama: 'People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ'
OBAMA DRONES ON - Scott Johnson/Powerline
He’s serving up mush. He droned on with the usual blatherskite that he read off the Teleprompter at the National Prayer Breakfast this morning (video below). You wonder how he keeps himself awake as he reads it out. He can barely maintain his own interest in what he has to say.

It’s not surprising, given his view of our country, that Obama would deny that Americans ever have standing to get on a high horse. But if we can’t see ourselves as morally superior by a comfortable margin to terrorists who burn people alive, we must be a morally bankrupt and fairly barbaric country.

What evidence did Obama cite for the propositions we shouldn’t get on our high horse and think that ISIS’s conduct is unique to some other place. First, he cited the crusades and the Inquisition. These events occurred more than 500 years ago in “some other places.” They had nothing to do with America, whose founding was centuries away.

To suggest that the crusades and the Inquisition should preclude Americans from a sense of vast moral superiority to ISIS is to carry moral relativism to an absurd extreme.
Barack Obama: What the heck is wrong with you? = Washington Times

Barack Obama was asked about this gruesome murder that the Islamic savages filmed and then released on Tuesday. The photo-op president of the United States was in the middle of another Obamacare promotional event when a journalist asked him about the death of the Jordanian pilot.

Mr. Obama, instead of reacting with the horror that real Americans or even any sane individual has over this shocking murder, seemed to be seriously irritated that someone would dare interrupt his photo-op.

Mr. Obama mumbled some words about a “bankrupt ideology.” That was it. There was no outrage from him. In fact, he would not even call the murdering savages Islamists. His functionaries that speak for the Obama Regime will not even identify ISIS as an Islamic group....

What outrages Mr. Obama? He got absolutely motivated when the Republicans and the Democrats were ready to pass a bill that put sanctions on Iran. That got Mr. Obama angry and motivated. Burning a human being alive? No, that doesn’t really move his meter.

ISIS is clearly stepping up its shock tactics — and while conceptualizing that may be hard, ISIS will top burning someone alive. Never underestimate the power of evil....