
Friday, December 19, 2014

“This is blatant intolerance, and the university should take action on the behalf of intellectual diversity and all of the students who are intimidated into silence”

College Professor Writes Column Confessing Her ‘Hate’ for Republicans — Here’s the University’s Response - The Blaze

...Students have also reacted, slamming the professor for intolerance toward those with differing political beliefs.

“This is blatant intolerance, and the university should take action on the behalf of intellectual diversity and all of the students who are intimidated into silence,” Grant Strobl, chairman of U-M’s chapter of Young Americans for Freedom, told M-Live.

On Thursday, university released a statement saying that the “views expressed are those of the individual faculty member and not those of the University of Michigan.”

“Faculty freedom of expression, including in the public sphere, is one of the core values of our institution,” university spokesman Rick Fitzgerald said, according to M-Live. ”At the same time, the university must and will work vigilantly to ensure students can express diverse ideas and perspectives in a respectful environment and without fear of reprisal. The university values viewpoint diversity and encourages a wide range of opinions.”