
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The pieces are coming together to complete a big picture of political corruption

News Media Outlets Caught Directly Funding Political Activism of Tax-Dodging Demagogue Al Sharpton - KARA PENDLETON/IJREVIEW.COM

...Melissa Francis, host of Money With Melissa Francis on Fox Business News, spoke with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly about how Sharpton’s political and financial backing by Comcast and NBC is deeper than it appears.

Francis reports that Comcast, MSNBC and NBC Universal all directly funded Sharpton’s National Action Network (NAN) as recently as this October. Each were “Preacher Level” sponsors at a combined 60th birthday party/fundraising event for Sharpton that netted an estimated $1 million in donations....

In ascending order, the sponsor levels noted on the event program were “Media Sponsor,” “Contributor,” “Medallion,” “Track Suit,” “Hair,” “Brooklyn,” “Preacher,” “Author,” and “Activist.”

When asked about the donations, NAN’s response was less than forthright:
“We can’t confirm or give comment that quickly. We have not done our audit for 2014, so how would anyone know when there has been no report on who gave what?”
Situations like these between Sharpton and his donors are not unique. A New York Post article from 2008 provides several other examples of instances where Sharpton threatened boycotts or negative publicity to garner large donations. Once donations were received, these companies were given public support or even awards of recognition.

You may perhaps have wondered where the Reverend Al Sharpton is getting his money from. I mean, this is a guy who doesn’t exactly have a church to fund raise off of. - Conservative Tribune

So who is it? Well, Megyn Kelly tracked down the people who are paying for Sharpton’s racist rhetoric, and while the answer may not surprise you, the extent to which the funding occurs will.