
Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Obama tries 'new approach' on Cuba with normalized trade relations and diplomacy between Washington and Havana for the first time in a half-century - Associated Press and David Martosko, US Political Editor for MailOnline

President Barack Obama declared the end of America's 'outdated approach' to Cuba Wednesday, announcing the re-establishment of diplomatic relations as well as economic and travel ties with the communist island – a historic shift in U.S. policy that aims to bring an end to a half-century of Cold War enmity.

'Isolation has not worked,' Obama said in remarks from the White House. 'It's time for a new approach.'

'We will begin to normalize relations' between the U.S. and Cuba, he added.

'We will end an outdated approach that, for decades, has failed to advance our interests.'

USA to release three Cuban spies - NYT ◼ Via Drudge
'Normalize' relationship with Castro - Washington Post
Shockwaves through Miami exile community - Miami-Herald
Protest In Little Havana - CBS Miami
'Traitor, traitor' Miami Cubans: Deal is 'the ultimate bailout' - USA Today
Travel Industry Eyeing Cuba Tourism - FOX DC
RUBIO: 'Terrible setback for the oppressed' - Reuters
Dem: Rewards 'brutal behavior' - The Hill
Pope Heavily Involved - National Journal
Secret talks in Canada, Vatican City - Reuters

Obama Does Not Have the Authority to Lift Embargo on Cuba - Daily Signal

Cubans will not gain freedom of expression, of association, of thought or of anything else as a result. That's just a start.

‘Disturbing to say the least': Something’s VERY wrong with this photo of Alan Gross  - Twitchy, Who Said What on Twitter

Why Does Freed Cuban Prisoner’s Lawyer Have A Picture Of Che On His Wall? - Daily Caller

Twitter users quickly picked up on the bizarre fact that the attorney for a man jailed by the oppressive Castro regime apparently has a picture of Fidel’s executioner-in-chief.

Raul Castro Wants More - CNS

While Castro thanked the Vatican and the Canadian government for playing major roles in “facilitating” the talks, he reserved special thanks for President Obama declaring, “President Obama’s decision deserves the respect and acknowledgement of our people.”

To close his speech, Castro called on Obama to use executive authority to curtail the remaining vestiges of the embargo on Cuba...