
Sunday, December 14, 2014

BREAKING: Sydney Hostage Siege UPDATING

Hostages held inside Sydney cafe, Islamic flag held up

Sydney Islamist Hostage Crisis - Larry Johnson/No Quarter
The Aussies have robust, capable forces for resolving a hostage incident. Biggest priority right now is to keep the goddamn media away from the scene.

I will not make further comment on tactics and optimal solutions. Don’t want to give bad guys any tips.

One thing is certain. There will be an anti-Islamist backlash in Australia. These religious Sunni fanatics are a bunch of dumb fucks. Let’s hope a sniper gets a clear shot.
Obama Advised Of #SydneySiege…No Sternly Worded Letter Yet… - Weasel Zippers
IF ONLY AUSTRALIA WOULD GET OUT OF "PALESTINE": Islamists Take Hostages in Downtown Sydney - Doug Ross
ISLAMIST TAKES HOSTAGES IN SYDNEY- Gunman Storms Cafe, Hangs Islamic Flag in Window - Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit