
Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Glimpse Into Evil of the Taliban: ’We Have Killed All the Children… What Do We Do Now?’

Depraved: The Taliban gunmen who slaughtered 148 innocent people, including 132 children, are pictured just hours before the massacre. The white banner they pose in front of is the flag of the Pakistani Taliban and reads: 'There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah's Messenger'

After terrorists invaded a Pakistan high school and slaughtered more than 130 students, one of the Taliban militants reportedly had one of his last conversations with his handler. The chilling transcripts of the conversation were apparently provided to local newspapers by law enforcement officials. - The Blaze

“We have killed all the children in the auditorium. What do we do now?” one of the terrorists reportedly told his handler.

“Wait for the army people, kill them before blowing yourself,” the handler responded.

'We have killed all the children, now what do we do?': Taliban death squad's frantic request for instructions after slaughtering 132 innocents... as military airstrikes kill 57 in hunt for 'Radio Mullah' who ordered massacre - JOHN HALL FOR MAILONLINE

No distinction between good Taliban and bad Taliban: Sharif - Times Of India

PESHAWAR: Rattled by the Peshawar attack, Pakistan's squabbling political parties showed rare unity on Wednesday, pledging to fight the killers of the Army Public School's children by making no distinction between good Taliban and bad Taliban. The Pakistan government also announced the end of moratorium on the death sentence, in effect since 2010 to facilitate talks with Pakistan Taliban.

"We announce that there will be no differentiation between 'good' and 'bad' Taliban, and resolve to continue the war against terrorism till the last terrorist is eliminated," said Sharif, marking the end of any hope of talks with the terrorist organization.